
Metadata also available as


The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA), a Tides Canada Initiatives Project
Publication_Date: 11/2012
Title: bcmca_eco_birds_atseamarbledmurreletdensity_data
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA) is a collaborative project assembling and analyzing spatial information about Canada's Pacific Ocean. The overall goal of the BCMCA is to identify marine areas of high conservation value and marine areas important to human use. Results of the project are intended to inform and help advance marine planning initiatives in BC by providing collaborative, peer-reviewed scientific analyses based on the best ecological and socio-economic spatial data at scales relevant to a BC coast-wide analysis.
The purpose of this dataset is to incoporate all sea survey data identifying Marbled Murrelet, process, and summarize densities by BCMCA planning unit to help inform the marine feature identified at the BCMCA Seabirds Workshop.
Please note that this feature has been updated since the Marxan analyses were run and the feature data no longer match the Marxan-ready data.
This dataset is a compilation of data collected by many people, for different purposes, using different survey techniques with different methodologies within each technique and, therefore, considerable care must be taken when using the data, even for site-specific inquiries. Refer to the original metadata document for data limitations and usage. Title or link is provided within source information. Data was collected, merged and buffered (if applicable) by target feature layer using the following data sources: 1.Laskeek Bay Sea Surveys 2001-2012. 2.BC Ferry Swartz Bay to Tsawwassen (transects_line.shp). 3.Marine Birds Database (Garry Kaiser surveys, viMAMU data, Mark Drever surveys). 4.Pacific Pelagic Seabird Surveys (Pacific_Pelagic_Seabird_Survey_centroids.shp). 5.At-Sea Surveys (MAMU) - Pacific Rim National Park Reserve (PRNR_bgi_marine_transects.shp, PRNR_marine_transects_99.shp, PRNR_wct_marine_transects_91-96.shp). 6.Southwest VI Shelf seabirds (Data and Leg files: shf_data, shf_plotted_data, tb_data, tb_plotted_data) 7.Trevor Channel Transects (trevor_segments_albers.shp) 8.mamu_centralCoast_1998_centroids_shiftedBCMCA.shp 9.BCMCA Planning Units (dfo_bc_2K_4K_combined.shp).
Calendar_Date: 2012
Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Progress: In work
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: Unknown
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -139.382424
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -121.180445
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 56.051980
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 45.979698
REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.
Theme_Keyword: Marbled Murrelet
Theme_Keyword: At-sea densities
Place_Keyword: British Columbia
This dataset is subject to the terms and conditions of a data license agreement.
This dataset is subject to the terms and conditions of a data license agreement:
Contact_Organization: BCMCA
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: info@bcmca.ca
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog

BC Ferry Swartz Bay to Tsawwassen. Dataset name: transects_line.shp. Metadata document: ferrySurveys_meta20080208.doc. Extent: Southern Strait of Georgia. Strip transects conducted aboard BC Ferry vessel transiting between the Swartz Bay and Tsawwassen terminals. Counts were conducted during four back to back crossings, on each of three consecutive days (for a total of 12 crossings) each month. The area (km2) surveyed was determined using the width on either side of vessel 150m. DBF table (Survey_data) contains estimated segment length, survey width, and area. Bird densities derived from counts/area (km sq). Spatial data supplied consists of line shapefile with original transect linework, and polygon shapefile with transects buffered to a 300m total width. Refer to original metadata document (listed above) for more information regarding survey background, methodology and data limitations.
Laskeek Bay Sea Surveys 2001-2012. Raw data: excel format. Metadata Document: Sea Survey Methods.doc Extent: Laskeek bay,as far north as Kingui Island, and as far south as Haswell and Reef Island. See "Key" worksheet in Laskeek Bay Sea Surveys 2001-2008.xls for a map. The purpose of this survey: 1. Measure the abundance and distribution of marine birds and mammals. 2. Monitor inter-annual changes in Marbled Murrelet at-sea populations. 3. Record inter-annual changes in sea-surface temperature (SST) in Laskeek Bay. Data was collected by observers in boats following pre-determined transect lines. Transect mid point coordinates and survey data are supplied within the excel workbook.
Pelagic Seabird Survey. Dataset name: Pacific_Pelagic_Seabird_Survey_Centroid.shp. Metadata document: Pelagic_Seabird_Survey_Metadata Apr 02_08.doc. Extent: Coast Wide. Pelagic bird surveys were conducted along the coast of British Columbia from 1982-2010. Seabirds were counted opportunistically from aboard DFO research vessels traveling along pre-determined routes off the coast of British Columbia. During early surveys, birds were counted in a 180ยบ forward-facing field, from the bow of the vessel out to 250 m on either side (i.e. total survey strip width 500 m). However, since approximately 2006, surveys have been conducted only on one side of the vessel out to 250m. Most observations were made from the deck above the ship's bridge (approximately 15 m above the surface of the water). All seabirds seen within the survey strip were counted, identified to species if possible (otherwise to genus or family) and recorded. Datasets received: 3 feature classes within geodatabase (point, line, and polygon). These 3 feature classes correspond to the same data but simply represent the data as a transect centroid, of the trackline the vessel followed, and the resultant area surveyed. There are also 3 attribute data tables: Species_Survey_Data, Species_Data, Species_Code. Refer to original metadata document (listed above) for more information regarding survey background, methodology and data limitations.
CWS Marine Birds Survey Database Project. Associated tables: Mark Drever Survey, Garry Kaiser Surveys and VI MAMU study. Metadata document: Short Documentation MBSDB Feb_10_2009.pdf. Associated tables: ObsArea (includes spatial information), Observe (includes the survey data), SurveyID (includes survey documentation). Data is comprised of one single geodatabase that combines data from a variety of different surveys. Surveys include: BC Ferry, Pelagic Seabird Survey, Vancouver Island MAMU Study, Mark Drever surveys, Gerry Kaiser surveys. Refer to original metadata document (listed above) for more information regarding survey background, methodology and data limitations.
At-Sea Surveys (MAMU) - Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. Dataset name: PRNR_bgi_marine_transects.shp, PRNR_marine_transects_91-96.shp, PRNR_marine_transects_99.shp, PRNR_wct_marine_transects_91-96.shp. Associated tables: PRNPR_Mamu_transect_counts_and_effort_by_year.dbf. Dataset date: 1991-1999. Metadata document: Not supplied. Extent: Pacific Rim. Pacific Rim Park Marine Survey Transect along the West Coast Trail (WCT). Coordinate system: UTM Zone Number 10N. The surveys are conducted by counting birds within 150m on either side of the boat. One attribute file that has annual mamu counts (in transect on water or flying) for each leg (in the mamuYY fields where YY indicates the year) and the number of times that leg was surveyed (in the effortYY fields where YY indicates the year). Metadata Notes: The PRNPR_wct_marine_transect_99.shp differs from the wct91-96.shp file because starting in 1999 the WCT transect was changed. The legs C1 and C2 and D were dropped and the legs D2, W and X were added. A "-W" was added to the names of the 01, 02 and 03 transects (this was to differentiate these legs from legs of the same names in the Outer BGI transect). The leg D2 is a portion of the leg D. The length values for each leg are used for density calculations although they differ sometimes significantly from the length of the legs as digitized in the spatial features ... this issue has never been fully resolved.
Alan Burger data (Data and leg files: shf_data, shf_plotted_data, tb_data, tb_plotted_data). Metadata document: Burger methodology.doc. Other documentation: legend_beale_new_cjg.xls. Extent: West Coast Vancouver Island. Data supplied and organized in two folders: Data Files and Leg files. Folders contain various files for each traverse of the transect carried out by Dr. A. Burger off the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Each of the leg files contains minute by minute observation location for a coordinating bird observation data file. Process to spatially locate bird observation data from 1987 to 1995 undertaken by Catherine Griffiths (GIS Consultant). Refer to original metadata document (listed above) for more information regarding survey background, methodology and data limitations.
BCMCA Planning Units. Dataset name: dfo_bc_2K_4K_combined.shp. Metadata document: None supplied. Shapefile contains the combined 2km and 4km planning unit grid cells with associated unit ID's.
Alan Burger data (Trevor Channel Transects (trevor_segments_albers.shp)). Associated tables: Trevor_Channel_MAMU_table.dbf. Metadata document: Burger methodology.doc. Other documentation: legend_beale_new_cjg.xls. Extent: Trevor segment, Pacific Ocean, Barkely Sound. A shapefile of the transect Dr. A. Burger off the West Coast of Vancouver Island. File contains 43 segments used to observe seabirds in the Trevor segments of Barkley Sound. Process to spatially locate bird observation data undertaken by Catherine Griffiths (GIS Consultant). Refer to original metadata document (listed above) for more information regarding survey background, methodology and data limitations.
Bernard Schroeder 1998 Marbled Murrelet boat survey (mamu_centralCoast_1998_centroids_shiftedBCMCA.shp). The purpose of this dataset is to identify the spatial extents of MAMU surveys by Bernard Schroeder on the Central Coast of British Columbia using centroids for compilation into the BCMCA MAMU At-Sea Density feature.
<<The methods used to combine all sea survey datasets identifying Marbled Murrelet and summarize densities by BCMCA planning unit are as follows >>
>Prepared LBCS dataset:
Created 2 new fields in the excel transect locations tab, Lat_DD and Long_DD. Used a DMS to DD excel calculation to convert DMS to DD. Added a field in the spatial data called Trans_Code. Populated Off-shore records using field calculator and following formula: transect x 100 plus km number. Populated Near-shore records based on C-M numbering (i.e. 1300 - 2200). Field will be used to link the survey data to the survey midpoints. Formatted and exported excel tables into personal geodatabase tables. Appended all survey tables together using Append tool. Notes within workbooks' "Key" tab indicate transects K and L were combined to "K" in 2006. As there is no longer spatial data for transects labelled "L", all records within raw data were combined with "K" transects and bird counts summed accordingly. Typo in survey data (raw data tables 2001 and 2002), records transect 3, segment 1 as '310' should be '301'. Re-calculated these Trans_Codes to '301' to include counts. Displayed midpoints using Add XY Data and exported into a feature class using NAD 1983 as the coordinate system. Re-projected to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Project tool. Included only those fields applicable to MAMU. Notes in excel "Key" tab indicate the small cap vs large cap species code defines whether sps is flying or on water. If applicable, these records were also included.
Summarized midpoints by Trans_Code to include the following data: total number of MAMU sighted in the survey by midpoint, total number of surveys for that transect midpoint, transect area in square km, and density. Only the fields applicable to MAMU were retained. Added the following fields: Data_Source, Dataset_ID, Surveys_Total, Area_km2, Indiv_Count, Density_km2. Fields were populated using Calculate fields tool. To calculate the total number of MAMU sighted, feature table was summarized by Trans_Code to include the sum of all MAMU numbers. All MAMU summed numbers were tallied by record to get the total number. Total Surveys field was calculated to equal the total number of surveys conducted for each midpoint. Density field calculated using following formula: [Indiv_Count]/[Area_km2]. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which the data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. Joined survey data to spatial layer using Trans_Code field and exported into a feature class.
>Prepared BC Ferry dataset:
Re-project spatial layer from NAD 1983 Albers to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Project tool. Added a new field within the Survey_data table to store the date (within first 6 digits of Transect_ID field) and calculated to read yyyy/mm/dd format. Calculated the transect midpoint X and Y coordinates and displayed using Add XY Data.
Summarized midpoints by Segment_ID to include the following data: total number of MAMU sighted in the survey by transect midpoint, total number of surveys for that transect midpoint, transect area in square km, and density. Included only those fields applicable to MAMU. Added the following fields: Data_Source, Dataset_ID, Surveys_Total, Area_km2, Indiv_Count, Density_km2. Fields were populated using Calculate fields tool. To calculate the total number of MAMU sighted, feature table was summarized by Segment_ID to include the sum of all MAMU numbers. All MAMU summed numbers were tallied by record to get the total number.Total surveys was calculated to equal the total number of surveys conducted for each transect midpoint. Density field calculated using following formula: [Indiv_Count] / [Area_KM_sq]. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which the data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. Joined feature table to spatial layer using Segment_ID field in the table and Segment field in the spatial. Included the total bird count table and exported to a feature class.
<<Prepared PSS dataset: Steps taken prior to CRM processing: Reconciliation of data files - Survey data was originally input and stored in various MS Excel. Field names and records were standardized for all spreadsheets. In addition to design standards, date information was reconciled to conform to international date formats. This is important to address year 2000 date issues. All spreadsheets were converted into DBF files. Creation of relational database - The original database design was assessed and redesigned to conform to GIS conventions and standards. A single key identifier uniquely identifies all features. These features link to the pelagic shipboard survey tabular data (one-to-many data relationship), based on the single key identifier in that database. The key identifier is a concatenation of the date, original transect identifier, and the original survey identifier. Transposing of fields and other programming - It was necessary to transpose species information that was stored as many fields (100+) into a single species field. By storing species information into a relational database, query effort is simplified and processing more efficient. A GIS automation script was created to automate the process that would otherwise have had to been conducted manually.
Processing steps undertaken by CRM: Summarized midpoints by GIS_key to include the following data: total number of MAMU sighted in the survey by midpoint, total number of surveys for that transect midpoint, transect area in square km, and density. Included only those fields applicable to MAMU. Added the following fields: Data_Source, Dataset_ID, Surveys_Total, Area_km2, Indiv_Count, Density_km2. Fields were populated using Calculate fields tool. To calculate the total number of MAMU sighted, feature table was summarized by GIS_key to include the sum of all MAMU numbers. Total Surveys field was calculated to equal the total number of surveys conducted for each transect midpoint. To include area data (km2), the Pacific Pelagic Seabird Survey Area Surveyed table was exported and joined to the feature table using the GIS_key field in both tables. Density field calculated using following formula: [Indiv_Count]/[Area_km2]. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which the data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. Note: Some midpoints were missing from the Centroid layer. Using select by location, found 22 transects that did not have corresponding centroids generated. Exported these missing records from transect layer, calculated midpoints, and displayed XY data. Merged missing midpoints to centroid layer. Joined the feature table to the spatial centroid layer using gis_key in table and GIS_key in spatial and exported to a feature class. Note: There were some records in the table that did not have matching GIS_key records in the spatial. Refer to associated text file for a complete list. Projected from GCS 1983 to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Project tool.
<<Prepared Marine Birds Database: Created new fields in both the Observe and ObsArea table to store the Data Code (located after 8 digit date value). Using DataFile field in SurveyID table and selecting applicable Data code references, updated data source fields with applicable data. Using select by attributes, selected all records in the Observe table where Data Source = Mark Drever, Gerry Kaiser, and Vancouver Island MAMU and exported to a separate feature table. Using select by attributes, selected all records in the ObsArea table where Data Source = Mark Drever, Gerry Kaiser, and Vancouver Island MAMU and exported to a separate feature class. Within ObsArea table, displayed XY data using LineSegCentLat & LineSegCentLong fields. Exported to a feature class using NAD 1983 as geographic coordinate system. Re-projected to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Project tool.
Summarized midpoints by Segment_ID to include the following data: total number of MAMU sighted in the survey by midpoint, total number of surveys for that transect midpoint, transect area in square km, and density. Included only those fields applicable to MAMU. Added the following fields: Data_Source, Dataset_ID, Surveys_Total, Area_km2, Indiv_Count, Density_km2. Fields were populated using Calculate fields tool. To calculate the total number of MAMU sighted, feature table was summarized by Segment_ID to include the sum of all the MAMU numbers.Total Surveys field was calculated to equal the total number of surveys conducted for each transect midpoint. Area in squared meters was calculated to squared kilometers. Density field calculated using following formula: [Indiv_Count]/[Area_km2]. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the geodatabase from which the data was derived. DataFile field corresponds to the field listed within the survey table. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the table identifier as categorized by BCMCA. Joined the feature table to the spatial midpoint layer using SegmentID both the table and spatial and exported to a feature class.Note: 60 records from Gerry Kaiser surveys were missing transect width data. Referred to associated metadata document and determined transect width estimate based on the type of vessel used and observation height. Populated SWidthM field to 300 meters. 5 coordinates were recorded incorrectly. Missing minus sign in front of longitudinal coordinate. Re-calculated to include correct coordinate locations.
>Prepared Parks Canada dataset:
Defined projection from unkown to NAD 1983 UTM Zone 10N using Define Projection tool. Re-projected to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Project tool. Calculated the midpoint values for each leg segment and displayed using Add XY data. Merged all applicable midpoints into one dataset. Note: missing the spatial for Legs "A" and "B" - survey effort recorded for 1994.
Added the following fields: Data_Source, Dataset_ID, Surveys_Total, Indiv_Count, Width_km, Area_km2, Density_km2. Populated fields using Calculate Field tool. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which the data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. To calculate the total surveys, all summed effort values by year were tallied for each record. To calculate the total number of MAMU species sighted, all species' summed numbers by year were tallied to get the total number for each record. The total width of the leg segments is 300m (150m on either side of the boat). Width was calculated in km rather than meters. Area_km2 field was calculated by multiplying the transect length by the width. Density_km2 field was calculated by dividing the individual counts by the area in km2. Joined the survey table to spatial using LEG field in spatial and LEGCODE in table and exported to a feature class.
>Prepared Southwest VI Shelf seabirds data:
Exported all excel survey worksheets (those labeled "coded") into a personal geodatabase. Appended all relevant survey tables into one master table. Merged all spatial line layers together for each applicable folder (i.e. shf_files). Added 2 new fields to spatial layer: Mid_XCOORD, Mid_YCOORD calculated the midpoint geometry, displayed using Add XY data and exported to a feature class. Used identify duplicate fields calculator to make sure keycode field is unique when all files are merged. Joined master survey table to spatial layer using keycode field in both spatial and aspatial. Included only those fields applicable to MAMU.
Added the following fields: Data_Source, Dataset_ID, Indiv_Count, Surveys_Total, Area_km2, Density_km2. Populated field using Calculate Field tool. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which the data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. To calculate the total number of MAMU sighted, all MAMUsummed numbers were tallied by record to get the total number. Total surveys was calculated to 1 to reflect each keycode value. Density field calculated using following formula: [Indiv_Count] / [Area_km2].
>Prepared Trevor Channel  Transects data:
Exported excel survey worksheet into a personal geodatabase. Added 2 new fields to spatial layer using Add Field tool: Mid_XCOORD, Mid_YCOORD and calculated the midpoint geometry. Displayed XY data and exported to a feature class using NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers as the coordinate system. Joined survey table to spatial layer using Segment field in spatial and Sector field in aspatial. Added new fields: Data_Source, Dataset_ID, Indiv_Count, Surveys_Total, Density_km2. Populated fields using Calculate Field tool. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which the data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. To calculate the Indiv_Count field all MAMU numbers in date attribute were tallied by record. Surveys_Total field calculated to equal one to reflect each transect value. Density_km2 field calculated using the following formula: Indiv_Count/area (km2).
Contact_Person: Melissa Meneghetti
Contact_Organization: Coastal Resource Mapping
Merged all prepared midpoint datasets using Merge tool to create one layer storing all at-sea survey midpoint layers. Overlaid merged midpoint layer with BCMCA planning units using Spatial Join tool. Tool parameter example: Target Feature = dfo_bc_2k_4k_combined.shp, Join Features = Midpoints_allMAMU_surveydata.shp, Join Operation = Join_One_to_Many, Match Option = Intersects. To create the At-Sea density feature, summarized data by planning unit ID to include the total number of surveys and the sum of all MAMU densities. Added a new field: AVG_DENSITY_km2. Calculated field using the following formula: [TOTAL_DENSITY_km2] / [SURVEYS_TOTAL].
Process_Description: Created Metadata.
E:\F\Crm1143\Source\080818_SourceDocs\Original_Data\Seabirds\Deliverables\AtSeaFeatures20090518\Metadata\Densities_MAMU metadata.xml
Steps up to and including this one completed by Melissa Meneghetti
Contact_Organization: Coastal Resource Mapping
The distribution of average density values across the BCMCA planning units was examined for normality and it was found to be skewed (i.e., there were a few very large values which would have biased Marxan toward choosing these planning units to meet any target set). To account for this, the density values were transformed using a natural log function to normalize the data. Then the transformed values were shifted such that the lowest value was equal to 1 (i.e., a positive constant was added to each value). The values in the [Transform_Density] field are the result of this transformation and the distribution of these values across the planning units is near-normal.
Contact_Person: Mathew Evans
Contact_Organization: BCMCA
Contact_Position: GIS Contractor
Prepared and added Schroeder Mamu data: Original spreadsheet of survey points were standardized. The records with UTM coordinates and those with lat/long coordinates were separately converted to point shapefiles. These point shapefiles were merged and joined with the survey information for each leg. Points were plotted based on lat/long or UTM coordinates available in the base spreadsheet.
Process_Date: November 2009
Contact_Person: Mathew Evans
Contact_Organization: BCMCA
Contact_Position: GIS Contractor
New locations for the end points of each transect were received and plotted following the methodology in step 1. These new points were loaded into the existing point file and the transect and leg IDs were updated. One end point (WN) also appeared to a typo and was relocated to match the BC Gazetteer location for Nekite Estuary. Note that an endpoint for transect B was not received and therefore the last segment of transect B has not been mapped.
Process_Date: January 2010
Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
Contact_Organization: Living Oceans Society (for BCMCA)
Contact_Position: GIS Specialist
The Point to Polyline tool available from Hawth's Tools was used to convert the point file into polylines for each transect leg. The spatial data was joined to the original transect data based on the ID for the starting point of each transect. The ET Geowizard Polyline to Point tool was used with the 'middle' option to create a point at the centroid of each line segment.
Process_Date: January 2010
Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
Contact_Organization: Living Oceans Society (for BCMCA)
Contact_Position: GIS Specialist
Centroid for TC1 revised and new centroid added for B3 based on new coordinate information received from Bernard Schroeder.
Process_Date: January 2010
Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
Contact_Organization: Living Oceans Society (for BCMCA)
Contact_Position: GIS Specialist
These surveys were conducted by boat and because the survey legs are simply straight lines between two points, they do not always accurately represent the marine route of the survey. Therefore, several centroid points shifted so that they aligned with the BCMCA planning unit that represented the marine path of the survey and avoided erroneous overland routes. These centroids were for the following legs: KW1, TC2, TC6, TC8, NS2, QCS1, D5, BK4, BK6, LB2, LB4, LB5, NC9, MA9, HG3.
Process_Date: January 2010
Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
Contact_Organization: Living Oceans Society (for BCMCA)
Contact_Position: GIS Specialist
Re-projected to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Project tool (used NAD 1983 to WGS 1984_1). Added new fields: Data_Source, Dataset_ID, Surveys_Total, Density_km2. Populated fields using Calculate Field tool. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which the data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. Surveys_Total field calculated to equal 1. Density_km2 field calculated using the following formula: Indiv_Count/area (km2).
Contact_Person: Melissa Meneghetti
Contact_Organization: Coastal Resource Mapping
The distribution of average density values across the BCMCA planning units was examined for normality and it was found to be skewed (i.e., there were a few very large values which would have biased Marxan toward choosing these planning units to meet any target set). To account for this, the density values were transformed using a natural log function to normalize the data. Then the transformed values were shifted such that the lowest value was equal to 1 (i.e., a positive constant was added to each value). The values in the [Transform_Density] field are the result of this transformation and the distribution of these values across the planning units is near-normal.
Process_Description: Updated Metadata
Contact_Person: Melissa Meneghetti
Contact_Organization: Coastal Resource Mapping
Midpoint datasets for the Laskeek Bay surveys and Pelagic Seabird Surveys were updated to the latest information. The midpoint files were combined to recreate the final density file following the methodologies described previously.
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: \\MELISSA-PC\C\Crm1247\CRM_Work_2010\AtSea_Data\AtSea_MAMU.mdb
Process_Date: November 2012
Process_Time: 21171100
Contact_Person: Melissa Meneghetti
Contact_Organization: Coastal Resource Mapping
Contact_Position: Spatial Analyst
Process_Description: Dataset moved.
Process_Date: 20130409
Process_Time: 14413000

Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector
SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: G-polygon
Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 120499

Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area
Standard_Parallel: 50.000000
Standard_Parallel: 58.500000
Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -126.000000
Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 45.000000
False_Easting: 1000000.000000
False_Northing: 0.000000
Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair
Abscissa_Resolution: 0.000000
Ordinate_Resolution: 0.000000
Planar_Distance_Units: meters
Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222
Altitude_Resolution: 0.000100
Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates

Entity_Type_Label: bcmca_eco_birds_atseamarbledmurreletdensity_data
Attribute_Label: FID
Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number.
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute_Label: Shape_Area
Attribute_Definition: Area of feature in internal units squared.
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Unrepresentable_Domain: Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute_Label: Shape
Attribute_Definition: Feature geometry.
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute_Label: SURVEYS_TO
Attribute_Label: TOTAL_DENS
Attribute_Label: AVG_DENSIT
Attribute_Label: Shape_Leng
Attribute_Label: UNIT_ID
Attribute_Definition: Unique ID as assigned by BCMCA.
Attribute_Label: Log
The average density values were transformed using a natural log function in Arcmap to normalize the data.
Attribute_Label: Transform_
Attribute_Label: ID

Contact_Organization: British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis
Contact_Instructions: See www.bcmca.ca for distribution details
Resource_Description: Downloadable Data
Transfer_Size: 50.954

Metadata_Date: 20130409
Contact_Organization: BCMCA
Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
Contact_Position: Data Manager
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 1405-207 W. Hastings St.
City: Vancouver
State_or_Province: BC
Postal_Code: V6B 1H7
Country: Canada
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (604) 696-5044
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: crobb@bcmca.ca
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata_Time_Convention: local time
Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile

Generated by mp version 2.9.6 on Tue Apr 09 15:07:27 2013