>Prepared LBCS dataset:Created 2 new fields in the excel transect locations tab, Lat_DD and Long_DD. Used a DMS to DD excel calculation to convert DMS to DD. Added a field in the spatial data called Trans_Code. Populated Off-shore records using field calculator and following formula: transect x 100 plus km number. Populated Near-shore records based on C-M numbering (i.e. 1300 - 2200). Field will be used to link the survey data to the survey midpoints. Formatted and exported excel tables into personal geodatabase tables. Appended all survey tables together using Append tool. Notes within workbooks' "Key" tab indicate transects K and L were combined to "K" in 2006. As there is no longer spatial data for transects labelled "L", all records within raw data were combined with "K" transects and bird counts summed accordingly. Typo in survey data (raw data tables 2001 and 2002), records transect 3, segment 1 as '310' should be '301'. Re-calculated these Trans_Codes to '301' to include counts. Displayed midpoints using Add XY Data and exported into a feature class using NAD 1983 as the coordinate system. Re-projected to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Project tool. Included only those fields applicable to MAMU. Notes in excel "Key" tab indicate the small cap vs large cap species code defines whether sps is flying or on water. If applicable, these records were also included.
>Prepared BC Ferry dataset:Re-project spatial layer from NAD 1983 Albers to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Project tool. Added a new field within the Survey_data table to store the date (within first 6 digits of Transect_ID field) and calculated to read yyyy/mm/dd format. Calculated the transect midpoint X and Y coordinates and displayed using Add XY Data.
>Prepared Parks Canada dataset:Defined projection from unkown to NAD 1983 UTM Zone 10N using Define Projection tool. Re-projected to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Project tool. Calculated the midpoint values for each leg segment and displayed using Add XY data. Merged all applicable midpoints into one dataset. Note: missing the spatial for Legs "A" and "B" - survey effort recorded for 1994.
>Prepared Southwest VI Shelf seabirds data:Exported all excel survey worksheets (those labeled "coded") into a personal geodatabase. Appended all relevant survey tables into one master table. Merged all spatial line layers together for each applicable folder (i.e. shf_files). Added 2 new fields to spatial layer: Mid_XCOORD, Mid_YCOORD calculated the midpoint geometry, displayed using Add XY data and exported to a feature class. Used identify duplicate fields calculator to make sure keycode field is unique when all files are merged. Joined master survey table to spatial layer using keycode field in both spatial and aspatial. Included only those fields applicable to MAMU.
>Prepared Trevor Channel Transects data:Exported excel survey worksheet into a personal geodatabase. Added 2 new fields to spatial layer using Add Field tool: Mid_XCOORD, Mid_YCOORD and calculated the midpoint geometry. Displayed XY data and exported to a feature class using NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers as the coordinate system. Joined survey table to spatial layer using Segment field in spatial and Sector field in aspatial. Added new fields: Data_Source, Dataset_ID, Indiv_Count, Surveys_Total, Density_km2. Populated fields using Calculate Field tool. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which the data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. To calculate the Indiv_Count field all MAMU numbers in date attribute were tallied by record. Surveys_Total field calculated to equal one to reflect each transect value. Density_km2 field calculated using the following formula: Indiv_Count/area (km2).