>Created Survey FileTo create the survey file, added 2 new fields: Area_km2 and Density_km2. Area_km2 calculated by multiplying the shape area (m2) by .000001. Density_km2 Density field calculated using the following formula: [nbird_Total / [Area_km2]. Note: PSS data was not used to create feature as behaviour did not include on water counts (ie behaviour = 2). Deleted one record from Coastal Waterbird Inventory file where nbird_total = -99999.
>Created Final Processed File:Overlaid merged feature polygons with BCMCA planning units using Spatial Join tool. Tool parameter example: Target Feature = BCMCA PU, Join Features = feature layer, Join Operation = Join_One_to_Many, Match Option = Intersects. To create the final processed file, summarized data by planning unit ID and calculated the sum of the total surveys, the sum of the surveys species sighted, and the sum of the density. Added a new field: AVG_DENSITY_km2. Calculated field using the following formula: [sum_DENSITY_km2] / [sum_SURVEYS_TOTAL].
>Created Marxan File:Reviewed the distribution of the data in the final processed file using 5 quantiles as defined by BCMCA. Deleted the planning units with average densities that fell within the bottom quantile. Species was used to create the at-sea density feature. To avoid double representation, overlaid feature with at_sea_density.shp and deleted planning units from the marxan file that were identical to those planning units with densities greater than zero in the at sea density feature.