
Metadata also available as


The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA), a Tides Canada Initiatives Project
Publication_Date: 03/2010
Title: EurasianWigeon
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
Series_Name: Ecological Data
Publisher: BCMCA
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA) is a collaborative project assembling and analyzing spatial information about Canada's Pacific Ocean. The overall goal of the BCMCA is to identify marine areas of high conservation value and marine areas important to human use. Results of the project are intended to inform and help advance marine planning initiatives in BC by providing collaborative, peer-reviewed scientific analyses based on the best ecological and human use spatial data at scales relevant to a BC coast-wide analysis.
The purpose of this dataset is to incorporate all near shore data identifying Eurasian Wigeon winter sites (December, January, February), process and summarize weighted densities by BCMCA planning unit to help inform the marine feature identified at the BCMCA Seabirds Workshop. Data presented as 2 km x 2 km planning units for MARXAN analysis.
This dataset is a compilation of data collected by many people, for different purposes, using different survey techniques with different methodologies within each technique and, therefore, considerable care must be taken when using the data, even for site-specific inquiries. Refer to the original metadata document for data limitations and usage. Title or link is provided within source information. Data was collected, merged and buffered (if applicable) by target feature layer using the following data sources: 1.Bird Studies Canada (BSC) BC Coastal Waterbirds Survey (BCCWS_polygons.shp). 2.Victoria Capital Region District Harbours Atlas. (Bird_survey_polygons.shp).
Calendar_Date: unknown
Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -126.864033
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -122.709286
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 50.007786
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 48.303815
REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.
Theme_Keyword: Eurasian Wigeon
Theme_Keyword: winter
Theme_Keyword: weighted densities
Place_Keyword: British Columbia
This dataset is subject to the terms and conditions of the data use agreements for the source datasets.
This dataset is subject to the terms and conditions of the data use agreements for the source datasets.
Contact_Person: Karin Bodtker
Contact_Organization: British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis
Contact_Position: BCMCA Co-Chair
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 1405-207 West Hastings Street
City: Vancouver
State_or_Province: BC
Postal_Code: V6B 1H7
Country: Canada
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 6046965044
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog

Bird Studies Canada (BSC) BC Coastal Waterbirds Survey. Dataset name: BCCWS_polygons.shp. Metadata document: Coastal Waterbird Survey summary metadata March 2007.doc. Volunteer-based monitoring program for coastal waterbirds started in September 1999. The monthly surveys are shoreline-based for the period of September through April. Observers undertake surveys at sites with clearly defined boundaries once per month from September through April, and identify and count all coastal waterbirds with binoculars and/or spotting scope. Purpose is to obtain a relative index of coastal waterbird populations and information on the distribution and ecology of wintering coastal waterbirds in BC. Dataset supplied includes spatial layer. All bird occurrences and counts stored in a raw data format and included within excel spreadsheet; approx 75,000 records. Bird occurrences are documented by site location, rather than individual sighting locations and can be joined to spatial polygon data via SiteCode. Refer to original metadata document (listed above) for more information regarding survey background, methodology and data limitations.
Coastal Waterbird Inventory Survey. Dataset name: cwi_bc.shp. Associated tables: cwidat_bc.dbf, cwilut_bc.dbf. Metadata document: cwi_meatadata_26March07.doc. Extent: Coast Wide. Compilation of data from Duck Unlimited and Canadian Wildlife Service. Includes ground surveys (back to 1919), boat surveys, and aerial surveys. The surveys were conducted with the primary purpose of locating concentrations of waterbirds on the coast of British Columbia. Originally the data were received in five separate files (CWIF1.DBF, CWIF2.DBF, CWIF3.DBF, CWIF4.DBF, CWIF5.DBF) and were combined into above tables. Refer to original metadata document (listed above) for more information regarding survey background, methodology and data limitations.
Victoria Capital Region District Harbours Atlas. Dataset name: Bird_survey_polygons.shp. Metadata document: Not supplied, however, updated using ArcCatalog. CRD supplied 2 spatial polygon layers (Bird_survey_polygons & VEHEAP_Harbours_Sub_Areas), 2 DBF's (HARB9798 & HARB99), and 2 excel workbooks (Biird_S_Graphs & Bird_Survey_wo_Marine-Birds_By_Area_And_Season). Polygons used for displaying data from 1997-1999 bird surveys. Includes Portage Inlet, Gorge Waterway, Victoria Harbour, Esquimalt Harbour, and Esquimalt Lagoon. Note: Used HEIR (TRIM where there was no HEIR) shore combined with polygons digitized from un-projected file used for original survey.
West Vancouver Island Waterbird Survey. Dataset name: qwcsln_vi_r2.shp. Metadata document: pwrc_meta_WVI_birds_1999-2000.doc. Extent: West Coast Vancouver Island. The data supplied are the results of six aerial surveys of waterbirds conducted on the west coast of Vancouver Island during the spring of 1999 and the winter of 2000. The surveys covered approximately 50% of the 3900 km shoreline between Cape Scott and Port San Juan. Two observers, both in the rear of the aircraft, recorded all birds along transect within 50 m of either side of the plane. A third person, seated in the front, recorded the observations. Supplied datasets: line shapefile storing transect data and point shapefile storing transect point locations (lat/long). Excel spreadsheet with raw survey data - bird occurrences and counts. Refer to original metadata document (listed above) for more information regarding survey background, methodology and data limitations.
CWS Burrard Inlet Environmental Action Plan (BIEAP): Winter Bird Surveys 1993-1996: Spatial Trends in the Distribution and Abundance of Water Birds in Burrard Inlet during Selected Winter Months in 1993 and 1994. Dataset name: BIEAP_Subsectors_Albers.shp. Tables: Max_Month_Subsector_Taxo.tbl Metadata Document: BIEAP_1993_1994_DatabaseMetadata.doc Extent: English Bay, Burrard Inlet, and Indian Arm. The Goal of this dataset was to analyse and summarize ~15000 sightings of more than 100 bird species collected 1993 to 1995 (second half of data collected was omitted due to differing observational methodology). Counts were from observers traversing shoreline by boat, bike or car with binoculars or spotting telescopes. The data consists of counts stored in an access database, and corresponding polygonal shapefiles divided into sectors and subsectors that can be cross referenced to the count data in the access database. Observation locations were added to pre-made polygons along the shore of the study area. Refer to original metadata document (listed above) for more information regarding survey background, methodology and data limitations.
Source_Contribution: BCMCA 2 km x 2 km planning units for the Canadian Pacific EEZ.
<<The methods used to combine datasets to identify areal extents and densities of Anas sp. winter sites are as follows >>
>Prepared BC Coastal Waterbirds Survey dataset: 
Imported excel worksheets "BCCWS raw data 1, raw data 2, raw data 3" from Coastal Waterbird Survey data '99-'08.xls into a geodatabase. To join tables to spatial, created new field, SITECODE, in all 3 tables. Using field calculator, populated SITECODE field with following formula: [RegionCode]& [SiteNumber]. Create one field storing date (ymd) rather than 3 fields. Populated field using field calculator with the following formula: [Year_]&"/"& [Month_]&"/"& [Day_]. To combine all 3 tables into one table, used the Append tool and appended raw data 2 and raw data 3 to raw data 1 table. Deleted "Year_" Month_" and "Day_" fields using Delete Field tool. Added 3 new fields using Add Field tool: Feature, Data_Source, Dataset_ID. Populated fields using Calculate Field tool. Feature field calculated to equal the SpeciesCode field. Standardized the Feature field naming convention to equal the common name of the marine species rather than the abbreviated species code. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA.
Re-projected spatial layer from NAD 1983 Albers to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Project tool. All polygons with the same Sitecode were merged so that there were no duplications in the Sitecode field. To ensure areas matched in both the spatial and the survey data, the total shape area in the spatial was summed where duplicate Sitecodes and cross-checked with area recorded in corresponding SiteCode records in raw excel data. Once the areas were verified, duplicate polygons were merged using merge operation (Advanced Editor toolbar) into one and Name field updated to reflect entire survey location. Duplicate SiteCode records were found in GIMA1 (3 records), GIMA2 (4 records), GISE1 (2 records), and QCMA4 (2 records).
Using MS Access query, selected all records within raw data table where SpeciesCode = ' AMWI', 'BWTE', 'EUWI', 'GADW', 'GWTE', 'MALL' with survey months >11 or <3 and exported into individual feature tables. To calculate the total number of surveys, two queries were created using Microsoft Access. The first query was created to record all instances of survey dates meeting the features' winter specifications within each survey polygon (i.e. each date instance was assigned a value of 1), grouped and ordered by polygon. To eliminate duplicate counts (i.e. each species recorded has a survey date), only the first date instance was assigned a value of one. The second query was created to count and sum all date instances within each grouped polygon.
For each SiteCode, summarized each feature table to get the average bird counts. Included the number of surveys in which the species was sighted and the total number of survey tables. Joined feature tables to spatial using SiteCode field and exported into feature classes. Added a new field, Season, and calculated to equal the season in which the feature is identified as specified by BCMCA. Note: a few records in the aspatial table did not have matching SiteCodes within the spatial layer. Deleted all unnecessary fields using Delete Fields tool.
<<Prepared Coastal Waterbird Inventory Survey dataset: Using MS Access query, selected all records within cwidat_bc table where SPECIES = 'AMWI', 'BWTE', 'EUWI', 'GADW', 'GWTE', 'MALL' , 'NOPI' and 'NOSL' with survey months >11 Or <3. Since the WIN field within CWI dataset does not necessarily correlate with BCMCA specified "winter" months, used the DATE field in query rather than season field. Exported selected species into individual feature tables.
Re-projected cwi_bc.shp from PCS Albers to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Project tool. Related 2 survey tables (cwilut_bc/cwidat_bc) to spatial, and extracted all spatial lines correlating to target feature into a separate feature class. Reviewed Digitized field and where "F2", spatial lines were merged according to each unique combination of SHOREUNITS2 field to create a one-to-one relationship with the survey data. New fields were created (UNIQUEID, NEWID) in order to provide a link to the corresponding survey data. Where applicable, all null and non-spatially linked shoreunits in the feature tables were deleted in order to maintain the same record count in both the spatial and table (refer to associated text file listing null and non-spatially linked records). Joined feature table to spatial layer using NEWID field and exported to a feature class. รจ Added 5 new fields using Add Field tool: Season, Feature, DATA_SOURCE, Dataset_ID and Buffer_m. Populated fields using Calculate Field tool. Season field calculated to equal the season in which the feature is identified as specified by BCMCA. Feature field calculated to equal common name of the marine feature as identified within the COMNAME field. DATA_SOURCE calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. Buffer field calculated based on Survey_Method used: 50m radius (ground, air, and unknown surveys), 150m radius (boat surveys). Buffered shorelines using Buffer tool based on Buffer field. Deleted un-necessary fields using Delete Field tool.
<<Prepared CRD dataset: Prepared Year_Round_Calcs excel spreadsheet within Biird_S_Graphs.xls and imported to a geodatabase table. Re-formatted Date_field to string and (yyyy/mm/dd) format. Using Microsoft Access query, selected all Species equal to 'AMWI', 'EUWI', 'GWTE', 'MALL' and exported to individual feature tables. To calculate the total number of surveys, two queries were created. The first query was created to record all instances of survey dates meeting the features' winter specifications within each polygon (i.e. each date instance was assigned a value of 1), and then grouped and ordered by polygon. To eliminate duplicate counts (i.e. each species recorded has a survey date), only the first date instance was assigned a value of one. The second query was created to count and sum all date instances within each grouped polygon. A similar query to the above was used to calculate the surveys in which species were sighted. In some cases, data was recorded within a polygon on the same survey date, usually when there was more than one observer. In these cases, only the first unique survey date was given a count value of one to avoid redundant survey counts and for consistency with the total surveys count.
Re-projected Bird_surveys_polygons from NAD 1983 UTM Zone 10N to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Project tool. For each polygon, summarized feature tablea by average bird counts. Included total species sighted and total number of survey tables. Added 4 new fields using Add Field tool: Season, Feature, Data_Source, Dataset_ID. Populated fields using Calculate field tool. Season field calculated to equal the season in which the feature is identified as specified by BCMCA. Feature field calculated to equal the common name of the marine species as identified within the Species field. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which the data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. Joined feature tables to spatial layer using Poly field in spatial and Polygon field in table and exported to a feature class. Deleted unnecessary field using Delete Field tool.
<<Prepared West Vancouver Island Waterbird Survey dataset: Defined projection from unknown to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers using Define Projection tool. Converted shapefile to feature class using feature class to feature class tool.
Using MS Access query, selected all records within tblBirds where species = 'AMWI', ''GWTE', 'MALL' with survey months <11 or <3 and exported to individual feature tables. Included the number of surveys in which the species was sighted and the total number of surveys for that area in that time period. To calculate the total number of surveys, two queries were created using Microsoft Access. The first query was created to record all instances of survey dates meeting the features' winter specifications on each transect (i.e. each date instance was assigned a value of 1), and then grouped and ordered by transect. To eliminate duplicate counts (i.e. each species recorded has a survey date), only the first date instance was assigned a value of one. The second query was created to count and sum all date instances within each grouped transect. A similar query to the above was used to calculate the surveys in which species were sighted. In some cases, data was recorded in various time intervals along a transect on a given survey date. In these cases, only the first unique survey date was given a count value of one to avoid redundant survey counts and for consistency with the total surveys count.
For each TRANSCT_ID, summarized data to display average bird counts for all months/years. Added 3 fields using Add Field tool: Feature, Data_Source, Dataset_ID. Populated fields using Calculate field tool. Feature field calculated to equal the common name of the marine feature identified within the Species field. DATA_SOURCE calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. Joined feature table to spatial line layer (qwcsln_vi_rz.shp) using TRANSCT_ID field and exported to a feature class. Note: One record in the tblBirds did not have matching Transect ID in spatial. Buffered lines by 50m (radius). Note: original line work likely not cleaned, some overshoots (bends) and splits occur. Flat end buffer types do not handle bends/splits as it creates small triangles.
>Reviewed MBAOI, Moulting Sea Ducks, Burger, Ferry PSS and LBCS data:
MBAOI dataset was not used as all data within MBAOI had already been received and processed. All other dataset were not used for feature creation as all Anas sp. species identified did not meet the specified "winter" month feature requirements.
<<Prepared BIEAP dataset: Using select by attributes, selected records within Max_month_Subsector_Taxo table where [SPECIES_NM] = 'American Widgeon', 'Gadwall', 'Mallard' and Months = 12, 1, 2. Extracted selected records to a separate tables. For each Subsector_ID, summarized data by average birds counts (located within the Max_Count field - the peak bird count observed within the month) for all survey months. Included the number of surveys in which the species was sighted and the total number of surveys for that area in that time period. To calculate the total number of surveys, two queries were created using Microsoft Access. The first query was created to record all instances of survey months meeting the features' winter specifications within each survey polygon and then grouped and ordered by polygon. The second query was created to count and sum all month instances within each grouped polygon. Added 3 fields using Add Field tool: Feature, Data_Source, Dataset_ID. Populated fields using Calculate Field tool. Feature field calculated to equal the common name of the marine species as identified within the SPECIES_NM field. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which the data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. Joined feature table to BIEAP_Subsectors_Albers.shp using SubSector_ID field in table and Subsector field in spatial. Extracted selected records into a feature class using NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers as coordinate system.
Merged all prepared datasets using Merge tool to create one layer storing all Anas sp winter sites. During merge process like fields were combined using Field Map window to eliminate duplicate or redundant column headings. Field map was also used to eliminate unnecessary fields not applicable for final feature layer requirements.
Process_Description: Created Metadata
Steps up to and including this one completed by Melissa Meneghetti
Contact_Organization: Coastal Resource Mapping
The Eurasian Wigeon feature was extracted from the AnaSp_Final feature class using Select By Attributes. Records where [FEATURE] = 'Eurasian Wigeon' were exported to a new feature class.
Contact_Person: Mathew Evans
Contact_Organization: BCMCA
Contact_Position: GIS Contractor
>Created Survey File:
Added 2 new fields: Area_km2 and Density_km2. Area_km2 calculated by multiplying the shape area (m2) by .000001. Density_km2 Density field calculated using the following formula: [nbird_Total / [Area_km2].
All steps including and following this one performed by Melissa Meneghetti
Contact_Organization: Coastal Resource Mapping
Contact_Position: Spatial Analyst
Process_Description: Updated Metadata
>Created Final Processed File:
Overlaid merged feature polygons with BCMCA planning units using Spatial Join tool. Tool parameter example: Target Feature = dfo_bc_2k_4k_combined.shp, Join Features = feature layer, Join Operation = Join_One_to_Many, Match Option = Intersects. To create the final processed file, summarized data by planning unit ID and calculated the sum of the total surveys, the sum of the surveys species sighted, and the sum of the density. Added a new field: AVG_DENSITY_km2. Calculated field using the following formula: [sum_DENSITY_km2] / [sum_SURVEYS_TOTAL].
Process_Description: Updated Metadata
Contact_Person: Melissa Meneghetti
Contact_Organization: Coastal Resource Mapping
>Created Marxan File:
Reviewed the distribution of the data in the final processed file using 5 quantiles as defined by BCMCA. Deleted the planning units with average densities that fell within the bottom quantile.
The distribution of average density values across the BCMCA planning units was examined for normality and it was found to be skewed (i.e., there were a few very large values which would have biased Marxan toward choosing these planning units to meet any target set). To account for this, the density values were transformed using a natural log function to normalize the data. Then the transformed values were shifted (if below zero) such that the lowest value was equal to 1 (i.e., a positive constant was added to each value). The values in the [Transform_Density] field are the result of this transformation and the distribution of these values across the planning units is near-normal.
Process_Description: Unit ID updated to match new BCMCA planning unit IDs
Process_Date: June 2010
Contact_Person: Andy Pettersson
Contact_Organization: BCMCA
Contact_Position: GIS Contractor

Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector
SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: G-polygon
Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 203
SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Label point
Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 39346
SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: GT-polygon composed of chains
Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 39346
SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Point
Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 4

Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area
Standard_Parallel: 50.000000
Standard_Parallel: 58.500000
Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -126.000000
Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 45.000000
False_Easting: 1000000.000000
False_Northing: 0.000000
Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair
Abscissa_Resolution: 0.000100
Ordinate_Resolution: 0.000100
Planar_Distance_Units: meters
Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222
Altitude_Resolution: 0.000100
Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates

Entity_Type_Label: EurasianWigeon
Attribute_Label: OBJECTID_1
Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number.
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute_Label: Shape_Area
Attribute_Definition: Area of feature in internal units squared.
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Unrepresentable_Domain: Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute_Label: UNIT_ID
Attribute_Label: Shape
Attribute_Definition: Feature geometry.
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute_Label: Cnt_UNIT_ID
Sum of the survey in which species sighted fields for each survey area by planning unit.
Attribute_Label: Sum_SURVEYS_TOTAL
Attribute_Definition: Sum of the survey fields for each survey area by planning unit.
Attribute_Label: Sum_DENSITY_km2
Sum of the density fields for each survey area by planning unit.
Attribute_Label: AVG_DENSITY_km2
Attribute_Definition: Weighted average by dividing the density sum by the survey sum.
Attribute_Label: Shape_Length
Attribute_Definition: Length of feature in internal units.
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Unrepresentable_Domain: Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute_Label: LOG
The average density values were transformed using a natural log function in Arcmap to normalize the data.
The transformed values were shifted such that the lowest value was equal to 1 by applying a positive constant to all values to achieve a near-normal distribution.
Attribute_Label: ID
Species' targeted season, moulting and staging months were defined using the following tech report: <>.

Contact_Organization: British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis
Contact_Instructions: See for distribution details
Resource_Description: Downloadable Data
Transfer_Size: 50.954

Metadata_Date: 20100617
Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
Contact_Organization: Living Oceans Society (for BCMCA)
Contact_Position: GIS Specialist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 1405-207 West Hastings Street
City: Vanvouver
State_or_Province: BC
Postal_Code: V6B 1H7
Country: Canada
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 604-696-5044
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata_Time_Convention: local time
Online_Linkage: <>
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
Online_Linkage: <>
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile

Generated by mp version 2.9.6 on Thu Aug 26 15:10:54 2010