>Prepared Burger data:Exported all excel survey worksheets (those labeled "coded") into a personal geodatabase. Appended all relevant survey tables into one master table. Added 2 new fields to spatial layer using Add Field tool: Mid_XCOORD, Mid_YCOORD and calculated the midpoint geometry. Displayed XY data and exported XY using NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers to a class. Merged all midpoints together for each applicable folder (i.e. shf_files_plotted). Used identify duplicate fields calculation to make sure keycode field is unique. Using Microsoft Access query, selected all records within burger data files where [pecot] > 0 and exported to a separate feature table. Deleted all species' fields except those relevant to the target feature(s) identified. Joined master survey table to spatial layer using keycode field in both spatial and aspatial. Data_Source field calculated to equal the name of the dataset from which the data was derived. Dataset_ID field calculated to equal the common dataset identifier as categorized by BCMCA. Surveys_Total and Surveys_Species_Sighted fields calculated to equal one to reflect each keycode value. nbirds_Total field calculated to equal the value recorded in the species' survey table. Buffered line transects to 150m (radius) using Buffer tool.
>Created Survey File:Added 2 new fields: Area_km2 and Density_km2. Area_km2 calculated by multiplying the shape area (m2) by .000001. Density_km2 Density field calculated using the following formula: [nbird_Total / [Area_km2].
>Created Final Processed File:Overlaid merged feature polygons with BCMCA planning units using Spatial Join tool. Tool parameter example: Join Features = feature layer, Join Operation = Join_One_to_Many, Match Option = Intersects. To create the final processed file, summarized data by planning unit ID and calculated the sum of the total surveys, the sum of the surveys species sighted, and the sum of the density. Added a new field: AVG_DENSITY_km2. Calculated field using the following formula: [sum_DENSITY_km2] / [sum_SURVEYS_TOTAL].
>Created Marxan File:Reviewed the distribution of the data in the final processed file using 5 quantiles as defined by BCMCA. Deleted the planning units with average densities that fell within the bottom quantile.
>Created Marxan File:Reviewed the distribution of the data in the final processed file using 5 quantiles as defined by BCMCA. Deleted the planning units with average densities that fell within the bottom quantile.