Metadata also available as
- Identification_Information:
- Citation:
- Citation_Information:
- Originator:
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA), a Tides Canada Initiatives Project
- Publication_Date: November, 2009
- Title: GeneralKelp_MARXAN
- Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
- Series_Information:
- Series_Name: Ecological Data
- Publication_Information:
- Publisher: BCMCA
- Online_Linkage:
- Description:
- Abstract:
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA) is a collaborative project assembling and analyzing spatial information about Canada's Pacific Ocean. The overall goal of the BCMCA is to identify marine areas of high conservation value and marine areas important to human use. Results of the project are intended to inform and help advance marine planning initiatives in BC by providing collaborative, peer-reviewed scientific analyses based on the best ecological and human use spatial data at scales relevant to a BC coast-wide analysis.
- Purpose:
The purpose of this dataset is to identify areal extents of general Kelp (no species ID) presence that informs the marine feature identified at the BCMCA Marine Plants Workshop. Data presented as 2km planning units for Marxan analysis.
- Supplemental_Information:
This dataset is a compilation of data collected by many people, for different purposes, using different survey techniques with different methodologies within each technique and, therefore, considerable care must be taken when using the data, even for site-specific inquiries. Refer to the original metadata document pasted within source information for data limitations and usage. Data was collected, merged, and dissolved by species using the following data sources:
1. Provincial (LUCO) kelp polygons based on aerial overflights and CHS chart data.
2. LOS Kelp data (May 2004)
3. Parks Canada Pacific Rim raster data
4. CRD stalked kelp points (stalked_kelp_tl feature class)
5. CRD bladed kelps polygons (bladed_kelp_tl feature class)
- Time_Period_of_Content:
- Time_Period_Information:
- Single_Date/Time:
- Calendar_Date: unknown
- Currentness_Reference: ground condition
- Status:
- Progress: Complete
- Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
- Spatial_Domain:
- Bounding_Coordinates:
- West_Bounding_Coordinate: -133.417382
- East_Bounding_Coordinate: -122.564207
- North_Bounding_Coordinate: 55.219515
- South_Bounding_Coordinate: 48.129194
- Keywords:
- Theme:
- Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus:
REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.
- Theme_Keyword: Kelp General (No species ID)
- Place:
- Place_Keyword: British Columbia
- Access_Constraints:
This dataset is subject to the terms and conditions of the data use agreements for the source datasets.
- Use_Constraints:
This dataset is subject to the terms and conditions of the data use agreements for the source datasets.
- Point_of_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Karin Bodtker
- Contact_Organization: British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis
- Contact_Position: BCMCA Co-Chair
- Contact_Address:
- Address_Type: mailing and physical address
- Address: 1405-207 West Hastings Street
- City: Vancouver
- State_or_Province: BC
- Postal_Code: V6B 1H7
- Country: Canada
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: 6046965044
- Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address:
- Native_Data_Set_Environment:
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog
- Data_Quality_Information:
- Lineage:
- Source_Information:
- Source_Contribution:
Prov (LUCO) Kelp polygons. Although dataset has been generalized and contains minimal attributes, the following metadata description provides a detailed data collection methodology report for data sources merged from all available LUCO data.
Metadata pasted below:
Marine Plants
2.5.1 Kelp Beds
Data Layers: KELPJOHN: Polygons of kelp beds in Johnstone Strait.
KELPMID: Polygons of kelp beds in the Central Coast.
MPLANTCC: Kelp distribution for portions of the Central Coast (1:7200).
MPLANTJS: Kelp distribution for portions of Johnstone Strait (1:7200).
Data for kelp distribution in Johnstone Strait (KELPJOHN) and the Central Coast (KELPMID) was obtained from nautical charts and sailing guides. Polygons, based on the kelp symbol shown on the charts and verbal descriptions from the sailing guides, were delimited on the nautical charts and digitized. The charts had no indication of the species of kelp.
MPLANTCC was digitized from 1:7200 scale mylar maps supplied by Barron Carswell at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The mylar maps were created from 1993 aerial surveys and associated ground truthing. They display high and low density beds of Macrocystis and Nereocystis on the Central Coast in the Bardwell Group, McMullin Group, Goose Group, Stirling Island-Hakai Pass and Cultus Sound areas. Two problems were encountered when incorporating this data layer. First, there were no co-ordinates on the maps to allow for accurate registration. Registration tics were generated using the coastline but high registration errors followed because of significant differences between the digital and source map coastlines. Secondly, because of the differences between the two coastlines some kelp polygons fell on top of the digital coastline. These polygons were shifted so all kelp polygons fell within water. Because of the poor registration and differences in coastline this data should be considered accurate only to a scale of 1:40 000.
MPLANTJS are concentrations of Macrocystis and Nereocystis identified in the surveys conducted in the following areas:
NE Vancouver Island (1983, 1989) between Ledge Point and Dillon Point including the NW shore of Malcolm Island
Northern Vancouver Island (1976) from Cape Sutil to the Scott Islands and the north shores of Hope, Negei and Balaklava Islands
Areas identified by the survey were generalized onto the appropriate nautical chart and digitized. The mapping coverage of near surface marine plant concentrations in Johnstone Strait is considered comprehensive. Charts for the Central Coast are generally older and of a smaller scale. Therefore the kelp data should not be considered comprehensive, except for the areas covered by the MPLANTCC digital map file. Sub-surface marine plant distribution has not been comprehensively mapped.
- Source_Information:
- Source_Contribution:
LOS Kelp data. Dataset Name: kelp_bc_merge8.shp. Several overlapping sources for "kelp" were merged together by Living Oceans Society. The only features used were specifically where sourcethm = flora_pc_qci1_bu and qci_py.shp.
flora_pc_qci1_bu represents the 2000 Sloan and Bartier dataset with points buffered by100m.
qci_py.shp represents provincial shorezone polygon (1 only) created from oblique aerial videos. Original Metadata document pasted below:
Kelp Notes
Jeff Ardron, Marine Analyst, Living Oceans Society
Last dataset revision: May 18, 2004
Files: kelp_bc_merge8.shp (merged BC datasets) and kelp_bc_merge8_diss2.shp (dissolved shapes based on "RI_los" field)
Projection: BC Albers
Several overlapping sources for "kelp" were merged together. They were rated with a relative importance ("RI_los") as either 1 (moderate) or 2 (high). The merged file has been sorted such that the higher ranking polygons draw overtop of the lower ones. This will also facilitate converting to a grid, if desired. A second file was created by dissolving on the RI_los attribute. This reduces the number of polygons and fragmentation.
Data were collected and merged from the following sources:
1. Provincial (LUCO / DSS) polygons based on aerial overflights and CHS chart data. Used in LRMP planning (Nicholson and Booth 1997).
2. DFO data that are purported to also be from the same sources as noted above. The two datasets are very similar, but not identical. Also attained through the Central Coast LRMP.
3. Provincial "mplants" (marine plants) and "cplants" (coastal plants) datasets for various regions. The source of these data is unclear, though they are believed to have been digitized by LGL.
4. Provincial buffered points (North Coast and QCI). These were provided to the CIT, already buffered 100m. Judging from the attribute table, they are apparently from CHS charts as well.
5. Provincial shorezone polygons (not lines), created from oblique aerial videos (1 polygon only).
6. Twelve provincial kelp surveys done by MAFF for identifying possible kelp harvest areas (1970's through to 90's): <> (see also document on that site).
7. Parks Canada Gwaii Haanas inventory (Sloan & Bartier 2000)
Ranking Methods
Each dataset had intrinsic rankings, or none at all. These were standardized into a simple 1 or 2 ranking:
1. Dataset 1: Relative Abundance and Relative importance were added together to create a scale of 3-9. 3-5 were assigned a value of 1; 6-9 were assigned a value of 2 (Ardron et al 2002).
2. All the DFO dataset, and some of the provincial data (above) had no ranking. These were assigned a value of 1.
3. The RI scales varied in these datasets. 1-4was split in two: 1,2 => 1; 3,4 => 2. The RI scales of 1-5 were divided as follows: 1,2 (missing, not used); 3 => 1; 4,5 => 2.
4. RI 1-4, divided as above.
5. "Patchy" => 1; "Continuous" => 2.
6. "Low" density => 1; "High" density => 2.
7. Points buffered 100m as done by the province in dataset 4. No ranking. All assigned a value of 1.
Ardron, J.A, Lash, J., Haggarty, D. 2002. Modelling a Network of Marine Protected Areas for the Central Coast of British Columbia. Version 3.1, July 2002. Living Oceans Society, Sointula, BC. 125 pages.
Bennett, K. 2003. Haegele eelgrass metadata report: Source metadata and digital data specifications. Report produced for Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian Wildlife Service, and Ducks Unlimited. [Note: these data also contained information on species other than eelgrass.]
Nicholson D. and J. Booth. 1997. Johnstone Strait and Central Coast Biological and Human Use Mapping Data Dictionary, Clover Point Cartographics, Jacqueline Booth and Associates. Prepared for the Land Use Coordination Office.
Sloan, N.A., Bartier, P.M., 2000. Living Marine Legacy of Gwii Haanas. I: Marine plant baseline to 1999 and plant-related management issues. Parks Canada Technical Reports in ecosystem Science, 027.
- Source_Information:
- Source_Contribution:
Parks Canada Pacific Rim raster data. Dataset Name: main_pp and nelu_pp. Giant Kelp and Bull Kelp confidence weighted abundance raster. Metadata report: The cell values of each confidence weighted abundance raster range from some negative extreme (representing areas that we are confident the species is absent) to zero (representing areas for which we have no good basis for judgement of relative abundance i.e. data sources conflict and/or we have no data for the area) to some extreme positive value (representing areas that we are confident have high abundance of the species). Intermediate negative and positive values represent an index (product) of our confidence in the data source and relative abundance.
Some known false values exist (in particular values in the vicinity of 329086E,5417687N (UTM10, Nad83) are erroneous and should be set to zero as they are associated with an input data point with incorrect coordinates).
- Source_Information:
- Source_Contribution:
flora_pc_qci1_bu.shp. Dataset was created by buffering points (100m) from the Sloan and Bartier database of marine plants in Gwaii Haanas. Used shapefile to update LOS records with Kelp species attribute information.
- Source_Information:
- Source_Contribution:
CRD stalked kelp points. Dataset name: stalked_kelp_tl (feature class) located in the Subtidal_Survey of the CRD's Harbour_Atlas geodatabase.
- Source_Information:
- Source_Contribution:
CRD bladed kelp polygons. Dataset name: bladed_kelp_tl (feature class) located in the Subtidal_Survey of the CRD's Harbour_Atlas geodatabase.
- Source_Information:
- Source_Contribution: BCMCA 2 km x 2 km planning units for the Canadian Pacific EEZ.
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
The methods used to combine datasets to identify areal extents of general kelp presence are as follows:
Convert Prov (LUCO) Kelp dataset to feature class. Generalized poygons to eliminate boundaries between polygons.
- Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation:
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Defined and projected from an Unknown Coordinate System to NAD 1983 Albers imported from LOS's kelp_bc_merge8 dataset using Define Projection tool. Note: Original coverage had an undefined coordinate system. Metadata review revealed a projection was previously assigned but was not defined. To determine projection, tested alignment with a known coastline dataset with BC Albers projection. Prov kelp dataset aligned well with data. Hence, NAD 1983 Albers projection was assumed and used to define the projection.
- Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation:
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Extracted records from LOS dataset where sourcethm = flora_pc_qci1_bu and qci_py.shp. Used field calculator to calculate Feature field to "Kelp". Merged LOS data into provincial Kelp (LUCO) dataset using merge tool. Created "master" dataset (Prov_kelp_master). Removed 2 eelgrass records from Kelp "master" dataset. Standardized Species column to list all entries by either "Kelp" or "Mixed". Extracted all general Kelp species where Species field entries were "Kelp" and "Mixed" to create final feature layer with all original attribute values. The following assumption was made while preparing layer. Prov kelp dataset records (20) where Project = NSOG2 did not have a Feature or Species attribute entry, however, a source was cited (i.e. CH3514), hence polygons were assumed to have been meant to delineate Kelp presence; Calculated Species to "Kelp".
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Generalized general Kelp polygons using dissolve tool to eliminate boundaries between adjacent polygons.
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Selected all Prov general Kelp polygons within Pacific Rim data extent and deleted.
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Re-projected to NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers imported from BS_ EG95.shp dataset using project tool.
- Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation:
E:\F\Crm1143\Source\080818_SourceDocs\Original_Data\Plants\BCMCA_metadata\KelpGeneral_final metadata.xml
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Updated LOS records (where source = flora_pc_qci1_BU and qci_py.shp) with species attribute information. Species attribute information supplied within flora_pc_qci1_buff100.shp. Copy and pasted Bull Kelp features into final feature layer. Generalized using dissolve tool to eliminate boundaries between touching polygons.
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Prov (LUCO) kelp polygons is comprised of several overlapping data layers, likely merged as layers were made available. During overlay process, polygons did not appear to have been cleaned. As a result, small sliver-like polygons and small patches of species were found. Areas under 10 sq meters were merged into its' adjacent neighbour. In cases where no adjacent polygon, feature was deleted.
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Using select by location, selected features from General Kelp Final feature layer were crossed by the boundary of Giant kelp and Bull Kelp final feature layers. Overlap exists in areas, especially where source = flora_pc_qci1_bu from buffered points. Did not modify attributes or shape where polygons intersected, futher processing required if intersections need to be re-assigned to "Mixed".
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Created topology for layer and using "must not overlap" rule, cleaned 15 overlapping polygons in Haida Gwaii region.
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person:
Steps up to and including this one completed by Melissa Meneghetti
- Contact_Organization: Coastal Resource Mapping
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Buffered stalked_kelps_tl by 100m using the Buffer Wizard with dissolve barriers option selected.
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Mathew Evans
- Contact_Organization: BCMCA
- Contact_Position: GIS Contractor
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description: Merged stalked_kelps_tl buffered points with KelpGeneral_Final.
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Mathew Evans
- Contact_Organization: BCMCA
- Contact_Position: GIS Contractor
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
The Select By Attributes function was used to select all records where SPECIES = "". Then the Field Calculator was used to populate the selected records from the SPECIES field with "Stalked Kelp".
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Mathew Evans
- Contact_Organization: BCMCA
- Contact_Position: GIS Contractor
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Merged bladed_kelp feature class with KelpGeneral_Final feature class.
- Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: KelpGeneral_Final_Update_Jul09
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Mathew Evans
- Contact_Organization: BCMCA
- Contact_Position: GIS Contractor
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
The Select By Attributes function was used to select all records where SPECIES = "". Then the Field Calculator was used to populate the selected records from the SPECIES field with "Bladed Kelp".
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Mathew Evans
- Contact_Organization: BCMCA
- Contact_Position: GIS Contractor
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Dataset was intersected with Ecosections (ecosections_dissolved.shp) and then dissolved on the Ecosection ID (ID_NUMBER). Lastly, the ID field was created and populated with unique Marxan IDs.
- Process_Date: Dec 3, 2009
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Mathew Evans
- Contact_Organization: BCMCA
- Contact_Position: GIS Contractor
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
The dataset was intersected with 2km planning units of Marxan analysis.
- Process_Date: Dec 3, 2009
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Mathew Evans
- Contact_Organization: BCMCA
- Contact_Position: GIS Contractor
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
The final file was dissolved based on the ID and Unit ID fields to remove lingering duplicates.
- Process_Date: April 2010
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
- Contact_Organization: Living Oceans Society (for BCMCA)
- Contact_Position: GIS Specialist
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description: Unit ID updated to match new BCMCA planning unit IDs
- Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation:
- Process_Date: June 2010
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Andy Pettersson
- Contact_Organization: BCMCA
- Contact_Position: GIS Contractor
- Spatial_Data_Organization_Information:
- Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Information:
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: G-polygon
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 2860
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Label point
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 39346
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: GT-polygon composed of chains
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 39346
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Point
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 4
- Spatial_Reference_Information:
- Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition:
- Planar:
- Map_Projection:
- Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area
- Albers_Conical_Equal_Area:
- Standard_Parallel: 50.000000
- Standard_Parallel: 58.500000
- Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -126.000000
- Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 45.000000
- False_Easting: 1000000.000000
- False_Northing: 0.000000
- Planar_Coordinate_Information:
- Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair
- Coordinate_Representation:
- Abscissa_Resolution: 0.000376
- Ordinate_Resolution: 0.000376
- Planar_Distance_Units: meters
- Geodetic_Model:
- Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983
- Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
- Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
- Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222
- Vertical_Coordinate_System_Definition:
- Altitude_System_Definition:
- Altitude_Resolution: 0.000100
- Altitude_Encoding_Method:
Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates
- Entity_and_Attribute_Information:
- Detailed_Description:
- Entity_Type:
- Entity_Type_Label: GeneralKelp_MARXAN
- Entity_Type_Definition_Source:
Identifies areal extents of general Kelp (no species ID) presence by merging all prepared datasets.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Shape
- Attribute_Definition: Feature geometry.
- Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: OBJECTID
- Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number.
- Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Unrepresentable_Domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: ID
- Attribute_Definition: Unique Marxan ID
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: MARSECTION
- Attribute_Definition: Ecosection name
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: UNIT_ID
- Attribute_Definition: Unique planning unit ID
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Shape_Length
- Attribute_Definition: Length of feature in internal units.
- Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Unrepresentable_Domain: Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Shape_Area
- Attribute_Definition: Area of feature in internal units squared.
- Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Unrepresentable_Domain: Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.
- Distribution_Information:
- Distributor:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Organization_Primary:
- Contact_Organization: British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis
- Contact_Instructions: See for distribution details
- Resource_Description: Downloadable Data
- Standard_Order_Process:
- Digital_Form:
- Digital_Transfer_Information:
- Transfer_Size: 50.954
- Metadata_Reference_Information:
- Metadata_Date: 20100809
- Metadata_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Andy Pettersson
- Contact_Organization: BCMCA
- Contact_Position: GIS Specialist
- Contact_Address:
- Address_Type: mailing and physical address
- Address: 1405-207 West Hastings Street
- City: Vancouver
- State_or_Province: BC
- Postal_Code: V6B 1H7
- Country: Canada
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: 604-696-5044
- Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
- Metadata_Time_Convention: local time
- Metadata_Extensions:
- Online_Linkage: <>
- Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
- Metadata_Extensions:
- Online_Linkage: <>
- Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
Generated by mp version 2.9.6 on Thu Aug 26 15:09:14 2010