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Parks Canada / The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA), a Tides Canada Initiatives Project
Publication_Date: Unpublished Material
Title: BCMCA_ECO_Physical_BenthicClasses_DATA
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA) is a collaborative project assembling and analyzing spatial information about Canada's Pacific Ocean. The overall goal of the BCMCA is to identify marine areas of high conservation value and marine areas important to human use. Results of the project are intended to inform and help advance marine planning initiatives in BC by providing collaborative, peer-reviewed scientific analyses based on the best ecological and human use spatial data at scales relevant to a BC coast-wide analysis.
This benthic habitat classification is a coastwide application of that used in the Gwaii Haanas NMCA, which itself an adaption of the benthic habitat model developed by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) (Ferdana et al., 2006) and applied to marine ecoregional planning throughout continental US.
Like the TNC methodology, this benthic habitat model combines three parameters: (i) landscape features, (ii) depth, and (iii) substrate in order to identify areas of similar benthic characteristics. The Benthic Terrain Modeller (BTM) tool developed by NOAA Coastal Services was used to help generate four landscape features that describe the terrain of the seafloor (depressions, slopes, flats and ridges). We combined the four landscape features with four ecologically meaningful depth ranges and four types of substrate from an existing data layer created as input to the BC Marine Ecological Classification System (MSRM, 2002). In total, 64 unique benthic habitat classes were delineated. To date, the benthic habitat classes have not been ground truthed. For more information on the methods used please see the processing steps section.
To represent unique benthic habitats in British Columbia coastwide out to the limit of the Exclusive Economic Zone (200nm).
Combined classifications:
depth class (1000s) | substrate (10s) | benthic position index (1s)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depth
< -200m 4000 -200 - -50m 3000 -50 - -20m 2000 -20 - 0m 1000
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Substrate
Substrate: M = Mud 10 S = Sand 20 H = Hard 30 U = Unknown 90
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BPI
1 Ridge 2 Depression 3 Flat 4 Slope
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined Habitat
1011 0-20 Hard Ridge 1012 0-20 Hard Depression 1013 0-20 Hard Flat 1014 0-20 Hard Slope 1021 0-20 Sandy Ridge 1022 0-20 Sandy Depression 1023 0-20 Sandy Flat 1024 0-20 Sandy Slope 1031 0-20 Muddy Ridge 1032 0-20 Muddy Depression 1033 0-20 Muddy Flat 1034 0-20 Muddy Slope 1091 0-20 Undefined Ridge 1092 0-20 Undefined Depression 1093 0-20 Undefined Flat 1094 0-20 Undefined Slope 2011 20-50 Hard Ridge 2012 20-50 Hard Depression 2013 20-50 Hard Flat 2014 20-50 Hard Slope 2021 20-50 Sandy Ridge 2022 20-50 Sandy Depression 2023 20-50 Sandy Flat 2024 20-50 Sandy Slope 2031 20-50 Muddy Ridge 2032 20-50 Muddy Depression 2033 20-50 Muddy Flat 2034 20-50 Muddy Slope 2091 20-50 Undefined Ridge 2092 20-50 Undefined Depression 2093 20-50 Undefined Flat 2094 20-50 Undefined Slope 3011 50-200 Hard Ridge 3012 50-200 Hard Depression 3013 50-200 Hard Flat 3014 50-200 Hard Slope 3021 50-200 Sandy Ridge 3022 50-200 Sandy Depression 3023 50-200 Sandy Flat 3024 50-200 Sandy Slope 3031 50-200 Muddy Ridge 3032 50-200 Muddy Depression 3033 50-200 Muddy Flat 3034 50-200 Muddy Slope 3091 50-200 Undefined Ridge 3092 50-200 Undefined Depression 3093 50-200 Undefined Flat 3094 50-200 Undefined Slope 4011 200+ Hard Ridge 4012 200+ Hard Depression 4013 200+ Hard Flat 4014 200+ Hard Slope 4021 200+ Sandy Ridge 4022 200+ Sandy Depression 4023 200+ Sandy Flat 4024 200+ Sandy Slope 4031 200+ Muddy Ridge 4032 200+ Muddy Depression 4033 200+ Muddy Flat 4034 200+ Muddy Slope 4091 200+ Undefined Ridge 4092 200+ Undefined Depression 4093 200+ Undefined Flat 4094 200+ Undefined Slope
A check on any differences between the Gwaii Haanas habitat classifications and the coincident portion of the coastwide classification revealed some, but they are explainable.
In the NE corner of the grid, immediately south of the Alaska-BC border there is a triangle for which substrate is not defined. The substrate is encoded in the 10s column of habitat; 90 represents unknown, unmapped substrate.
There remain a few slivers in the Gwaii Haanas substrate raster which are defined as unknown. These were all eliminated in the re-rasterized EEZ substrate layer. The substrate is encoded in the 10s column of habitat.
There are also differences of a few pixels in the fine scale BPI. These may be due to differences in the original gridding interpolation --differences which would not be apparent in the coarser BPI. Alternatively, the differences could be due to a different starting point for the fine annulus. At any rate, given the sparseness of much of the source data the differences are negligible.
Finally, the bathymetry obtained from MGDS does not match the other bathymetry at all well. In fact the differences are amenable to neither smoothing algorithms nor manual adjustment. The best option was to incorporate them directly and use them as they are, ignoring any spurious features.
Note also that the MGDS data include some multibeam bathymetry at much, much higher resolution than the rest of the data set. This provides a rather uneven view of the seafloor, but that cannot be helped as they are the only available data.
- UPDATE - An unintended result of the processing described above was the creation of numerous "artifacts" along the seams of adjoining mosaiced rasters and the boundaries of the MGDS multibeam surveys. These groups of polygons were erroneously assigned to different benthic classes. Further processing was done to clean up these artifacts. Each incorrectly classed polygon was identified, selected, and reclassed to match the surrounding or most probable adjacent benthic class.
Calendar_Date: 2010
Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -138.968935
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -122.292049
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 54.874047
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 45.989252
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Theme_Keyword: benthic habitat
Place_Keyword: British Columbia
Place_Keyword: Exclusive Economic Zone
Place_Keyword: EEZ
Place_Keyword: 200 nautical mile limit
This dataset is subject to the terms and conditions of the data use agreements for the source datasets.
Benthic habitat model has not been ground truthed. This dataset is subject to the terms and conditions of the data use agreements for the source datasets.
Contact_Person: Karin Bodtker
Contact_Organization: British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis
Contact_Position: BCMCA Co-Chair
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 1405-207 W. Hastings St.
City: Vancouver
State_or_Province: BC
Postal_Code: V6B 1H7
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (604) 696-5044
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: kbodtker@livingoceans.org
Data_Set_Credit: Parks Canada / BCMCA
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog

Accuracy of benthic habitats have not been ground truthed or field tested.
Bathymetric Data: A 75 meter bathymetry raster was created by mosaicing four bathymetric rasters together:
(1) a 75 m. bathymetric raster created by NRCan for the west coast of BC from 1:250,000 CHS Bathymetric Contours;
(2) a 100 m. bathymetric raster created by LOS for the entire west coast out to the EEZ; and
(3) a 2 m. Multi beam bathymetry raster for Juan Perez Sound. There are some seams evident in the data, at the edges of the mosaiced datasets.
(4) an extension to the south to cover the bottom of the EEZ using data obtained from the Marine Geoscience Data System covering block
48.2 -132 -126 46.2
MGDS permits download of data at a maximum of four times screen resolution. In order to achieve a spatial resolution, 83m, roughly equivalent to the 75m bathymetry used in Gwaii Haanas, the data were downloaded in two halves west and east on either side of -129.
Contact_Person: Krista Royle, Doug Hrynyk
Contact_Organization: Parks Canada, Western and Northern Service Centre
Contact_Position: Ecosystem Data Specialist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 300 - 300 West Georgia Street
City: Vancouver
State_or_Province: British Columbia
Postal_Code: V6B 6B4
Country: Canada
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (604) 666-1986, (604) 666-3634
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (604) 666-7957
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: krista.royle@pc.gc.ca, Doug.Hrynyk@pc.gc.ca
Hours_of_Service: 9-5
Contact_Instructions: contact via e:mail
Bathymetric Derivatives: A number of derivative surfaces were created using ArcGIS and the BTM tool in order to help delineate benthic terrain features. First, slope was derived from the bathymetry using the Slope command in ESRI's ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension.
Second, the BTM was used to generate Bathymetric Position Index (BPI) grids. Two BPI grids were created -a fine scale BPI grid that captures fine scale terrain features and a coarse scale BPI that captures broad scale landscape features. Fine and broad-scale landscape features visible in the hill shaded relief were measured in order to determine appropriate neighbourhood search radii to use when generating the BPI grids. A number of tests using different neighbourhood radii were then conducted and the output grids compared.
The most appropriate scale of data and classification method for representing fine scale terrain features was an annulus with an inner radius of 75 meters and an outer radius of 525 meters. For broad scale features an inner radius of 375 meters and an outer radius of 2250 meters was most effective. The fine scale BPI grid captured some interpolation errors in some areas. For this reason, a decision was made to use this fine scale grid to fill in fine scale ridges, depressions, and slopes in areas that are flat in the broad scale. Using this methodology, data interpolation errors were masked out by the broad scale grid.
The fine scale BPI Grid was reclassified into 4 classes: (1) ridge: (2) depression; (0) flat; and (0) slope. The broad scale BPI Grid was reclassified into 4 classes: (10) ridge: (20) depression; (30) flat; and (40) slope. These two grids were added together using the raster math tool.
One Terrain feature layer were created using the reclass tool and the following rules: (10, 11, 12 = ridge), (20, 21, 22 = depression), 30 (flat), 31 (ridge), 32 (depression), 40, 41, 42 (slope).
Contact_Organization: Parks Canada, Western and Northern Service Centre
Contact_Person: Krista Royle
Contact_Position: Ecosystem Data Specialist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 300 - 300 West Georgia Street
City: Vancouver
State_or_Province: British Columbia
Postal_Code: V6B 6B4
Country: Canada
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (604) 666-1986
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (604) 666-7957
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: krista.royle@pc.gc.ca
Hours_of_Service: 9-5
Contact_Instructions: contact via e:mail
Benthic Habitat Classification: The four landscape features were combined with four ecologically meaningful depth ranges (0-20, 20-50, 50-200, 200 +) and four types of substrate obtained from an existing data layer created for the BC Marine Ecological Classification System (MSRM, 2002) using the Raster Calculator.
Errors created from seams in the bathymetry layer were manually cleaned using ArcGIS editing tools.
Contact_Organization: Parks Canada, Western and Northern Service Centre
Contact_Person: Krista Royle
Contact_Position: Ecosystem Data Specialist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 300 - 300 West Georgia Street
City: Vancouver
State_or_Province: British Columbia
Postal_Code: V6B 6B4
Country: Canada
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (604) 666-1986
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (604) 666-7957
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: krista.royle@pc.gc.ca
Hours_of_Service: 9-5
Contact_Instructions: contact via e:mail
Ended up with four terrain classes
1 - Ridge, 2 - Depression, 3 - Flat, 4 - Slope.
(2) Depth: Classified into 4 categories using the Spatial Analyst RECLASS command.
0-20 - 1000, 20-50 - 2000, 50-200 - 3000, 200+ - 4000.

(3) Substrate. Substrate was delineated into three categories based on the MEC classification: (1) Hard, (2) Sand and (3) Mud; (4) Undefined. Added new field "Code" to attribute table. Calculated the "Code" to equal the values in the table below.
Hard - 10, Sand - 20, Mud - 30. Undefined - 90
Substrate is based on 1:250,000 NTS coastline and was cleaned to match the TRIM coastline.
Step 1: Reclass Bathy Grid to 1 - creates a c cookie cutter of TRIM coastline. Step 2: Overlay bathy cookie with substrate to get polygons with missing substrate. Step 3: Convert overlaid layer from multipart to single part using multipart to single part tool. Step 4: Populated all missing substrate features with a substrate value.

Added Terrain Features, Depth and Substrate grids together in raster calculator. Converted to integer using raster calculator. Converted to feature layer using exact shape option. Added new attribute "finalcode". Calculated finalcode = to gridcode. Fixed anomalies due to seams in bathy data manually.
Contact_Organization: Parks Canada, Western and Northern Service Centre
Contact_Person: Krista Royle
Contact_Position: Ecosystem Data Specialist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 300 - 300 West Georgia Street
City: Vancouver
State_or_Province: British Columbia
Postal_Code: V6B 6B4
Country: Canada
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (604) 666-1986
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (604) 666-7957
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: krista.royle@pc.gc.ca
Hours_of_Service: 9-5
Contact_Instructions: contact via e:mail
Metadata imported from Gwaii Haanas BTM and then updated for this project.
Process_Date: 12/5/2009
Contact_Person: Doug Hrynyk
Contact_Organization: Parks Canada, Western and Northern Service Centre
Contact_Position: Marine Ecosystem GIS Analyst
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 300 - 300 West Georgia Street
City: Vancouver
State_or_Province: British Columbia
Postal_Code: V6B 6B4
Country: Canada
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (604) 666-3634
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (604) 666-7957
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Doug.Hrynyk@pc.gc.ca
Exported habitat to shapefile as a compliment to the 75m raster. Applied generalization during export of polygons to get smoother, less jagged polygons.
Compare to non-generalized habitat polygons which faithfully reflect the raster.
Process_Date: 13 may 2009
Contact_Person: Doug Hrynyk
Contact_Organization: Parks Canada, Western and Northern Service Centre
Contact_Position: Marine Ecosystem GIS Analyst
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 300 - 300 West Georgia Street
City: Vancouver
State_or_Province: British Columbia
Postal_Code: V6B 6B4
Country: Canada
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (604) 666-3634
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (604) 666-7957
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Doug.Hrynyk@pc.gc.ca
The mosaicing of the four bathymetric rasters resulted in a number of "artifacts" that occurred along the seams between raster images. These artifacts were often incorrectly classified into the wrong benthic classes. As a result, a process of "cleaning" up the data was necessary. The following iterates that process:
1. Both the benthic class shapefile and the original bathymetric rasters were added to the ArcGIS TOC. The benthic class layer was made 50% transparent so as to identify the seams in the rasters below the benthic class polygons. 2. When obvious artifacts along seams were identified, the incorrectly classed polygons were selected and their GRIDCODE values changed to the appropriate, adjacent benthic class. 3. Some artifacts that ran along seams tended to merge into larger polygons when they ran into more complex terrain. These polygons were cut and made into separate polygons where the more complex terrain began. The portion that was the artifact was selected and its GRIDCODE value changed to the appropriate benthic class. 4. The dissolve function was used on the GRIDCODE field.
Polygons exploded to create single-part polygons using the ArcGIS Multipart to Singlepart tool.
Process_Date: October 2009
Contact_Person: Mathew Evans
Contact_Organization: BCMCA
Contact_Position: BCMCA Contractor
As recommended by one of the BCMCA physical feature reviewers: The minimum mapping unit (mmu) is the size of the smallest feature for which boundaries will be delineated on a map of a particular scale. Recommended minimum mapping units have been developed for frequently used map scales (shown below). For example, if you use a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5' (1:25,000) topographic quadrangle map, the recommended mmu is 12.5 meters. Based on scale of underlying bathymetry data (1:250,000 original NRM data), the mmu should be 12,272 m2. (Citation NatureServe. 2008. Biotics 4 Help version 2008-01-31. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia.)
Based on this information, polygons less than 12,272 m2 in size were selected. The ArcGIS Eliminate tool was run to merge the selected polygons with the neighbouring polygon with which they have the longest shared border.
Process_Date: October 2009
Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
Contact_Organization: Living Oceans Society (for BCMCA)
Contact_Position: GIS Specialist
The dataset was intersected with ecosections_dissolved.shp. New unique MARXAN IDs were created by concatenating benthic class GRIDCODEs and ecosection IDs (expression: [GRIDCODE]&"0"&[ID_NUMBER]). A new field, MARXAN_ID, was created and populated with the results of the expression. The dataset was then dissolved on the MARXAN_ID field. The file was also clipped to the EEZ.
Contact_Person: Mathew Evans
Contact_Organization: BCMCA Contractor
During the feature review, erroneous benthic classes in the southwest corner of the EEZ were identified. These areas were likely generated when higher resolution multibeam datasets for this area were mosaiked with the other, lower resolution bathymetry data. The shapefile was again exploded into singlepart features and these areas were compared to the bathymetry data and artifacts were changed to the predominant benthic class in the region (4093012 - deep, flat, unknown substrate). This process was performed manually and cannot be considered to be highly precise. Once the cleaning process was complete, the file was re-dissolved based on the Marxan ID. The clean file was verified by Krista Royle and Greg MacMillan of Parks Canada.
Process_Date: January 2010
Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
Contact_Organization: Living Oceans Society (for BCMCA)
Contact_Position: GIS Specialist
The dataset was dissolved based on the original Marxan ID (i.e. the ID used before splitting the feature by ecosection) to create a cleaned version of the file for display in the atlas page.
Process_Date: February 2010
Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
Contact_Organization: Living Oceans Society (for BCMCA)
Contact_Position: GIS Specialist
Process_Description: Dataset copied.

Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector
SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: G-polygon
Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 64

Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area
Standard_Parallel: 50.000000
Standard_Parallel: 58.500000
Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -126.000000
Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 45.000000
False_Easting: 1000000.000000
False_Northing: 0.000000
Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair
Abscissa_Resolution: 0.000000
Ordinate_Resolution: 0.000000
Planar_Distance_Units: meters
Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222

Entity_Type_Label: BCMCA_ECO_Physical_BenthicClasses_DATA
Attribute_Label: FID
Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number.
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute_Label: Shape
Attribute_Definition: Feature geometry.
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute_Label: habClass
Habitat Class - see Supplemental Information for a description of each numerical code

Contact_Organization: British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis
Address_Type: mailing address
Contact_Instructions: See www.bcmca.ca for distribution details
Resource_Description: Downloadable Data
Transfer_Size: 0.000

Metadata_Date: 20120104
Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
Contact_Organization: Living Oceans Society (for BCMCA)
Contact_Position: GIS Specialist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 1405-207 W. Hastings St.
City: Vancouver
State_or_Province: British Columbia
Postal_Code: V6B 1H7
Country: Canada
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (604) 696-5044
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: crobb@livingoceans.org
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata_Time_Convention: local time
Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile

Generated by mp version 2.9.6 on Wed Jan 04 10:53:24 2012