Metadata also available as
- Identification_Information:
- Citation:
- Citation_Information:
- Originator: Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada
- Publication_Date: 2/2009
- Title: BCMCA_HU_Shippingtrans_VesselDensity_winter2007_data
- Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
- Series_Information:
- Series_Name: Human Use Data, Marine Atlas of Pacific Canada
- Publication_Information:
- Publisher:
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA), a Tides Canada Initiatives Project
- Online_Linkage:
- Larger_Work_Citation:
- Citation_Information:
- Originator:
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA), a Tides Canada Initiatives Project
- Publication_Date: May 2011
- Title: Marine Atlas of Pacific Canada
- Online_Linkage: www.bcmca.ca/atlas
- Description:
- Abstract:
This dataset illustrates the density of marine vessel traffic within 5 km by 5 km grid cells for Canada's Pacific waters for the winter months (January-April and October-December) of 2007. Traffic is broken down into the following categories: Carrier, Cruise, Fishing, Tanker and Tug. Data is also provided for Ferry and all traffic but was not used by the BCMCA.
- Purpose:
This dataset was initially developed to support research on a model of the risk of encountering oil spills for seabirds considered vulnerable to oil pollution. Shipping densities were used as a proxy for the risk of oil spills.
For the BCMCA, the dataset's purpose is to illustrate the distribution and density of vessel traffic in the winter for the following features: Carrier Vessel Density - Winter 2007, Cruise Vessel Density - Winter 2007, Fishing Vessel Density - Winter 2007, Tanker Vessel Density - Winter 2007, and Tug Vessel Density - Winter 2007.
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA) is a collaborative project assembling and analyzing spatial information about Canada's Pacific Ocean. The overall goal of the BCMCA is to identify marine areas of high conservation value and marine areas important to human use. Results of the project are intended to inform and help advance marine planning initiatives in BC by providing collaborative, peer-reviewed scientific analyses based on the best ecological and human use spatial data at scales relevant to a BC coast-wide analysis.
- Supplemental_Information:
This dataset is based on ship monitoring data from the Canadian Coast Guard's Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) system. All ships operating in Canadian waters must obtain Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) clearance before beginning a voyage from a Canadian location or before entering Canadian waters. The Coast Guard monitors ship traffic using radio communication, radar detection and an Automatic Identification System. The Coast Guard documents ship position approximately every 4 minutes with ship-identification (Lloyd's Register name and number), flag-state (country of registry), ship-type and size.
See data quality for more supplemental information.
- Time_Period_of_Content:
- Time_Period_Information:
- Single_Date/Time:
- Calendar_Date: 2007
- Currentness_Reference: ground condition
- Status:
- Progress: Complete
- Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
- Spatial_Domain:
- Bounding_Coordinates:
- West_Bounding_Coordinate: -137.442247
- East_Bounding_Coordinate: -122.176882
- North_Bounding_Coordinate: 55.691725
- South_Bounding_Coordinate: 46.113287
- Keywords:
- Theme:
- Theme_Keyword: vessel traffic
- Theme_Keyword: vessel movement
- Theme_Keyword: vessel density
- Theme_Keyword: carrier
- Theme_Keyword: cruise
- Theme_Keyword: fishing
- Theme_Keyword: tanker
- Theme_Keyword: tug
- Theme_Keyword: winter
- Place:
- Place_Keyword: British Columbia
- Place_Keyword: BC
- Place_Keyword: Pacific Ocean
- Access_Constraints:
Not to be reproduced or distributed without permission from the data custodian
- Use_Constraints:
Not to be reproduced or distributed without permission from the data custodian
- Point_of_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Patrick O'Hara
- Contact_Organization: Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada
- Contact_Position: Research Biologist
- Contact_Address:
- Address_Type: mailing and physical address
- Address: 9860 West Saanich Road, P.O. Box 6000
- City: Sidney
- State_or_Province: British Columbia
- Postal_Code: V8L 4B2
- Country: Canada
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: 250 363-6545
- Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: paddio@uvic.ca
- Data_Set_Credit:
Data courtesy of the Canadian Coast Guard, Marine Communications and Traffic Services. Dataset developed by Patrick O'Hara, Canadian Wildlife Service.
- Native_Data_Set_Environment:
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog
- Data_Quality_Information:
- Logical_Consistency_Report:
NOTE: grid cells labelled 130_224, 131_223, 131_224, 132_224 were updated to replace the values in the ferry field with those in the cruise ship field and vice versa.
- Completeness_Report:
Included in this database are ships over 20m in length, and ships engaged in towing or pushing any vessel or object more than 20m in length (other than fishing gear) that had a combined length of more than 45 m. The database does not include vessels towing or pushing inside a log booming ground, pleasure yachts less than 30 m, or fishing vessels less than 24 m and 150 tons gross, which are not required to report their position to the VTS.
There is radar coverage of most of Georgia Strait and a radar station with 90 nautical mile range in the vicinity of Tofino. The radar coverage extends from Juan de Fuca in the south to an area just north of Kyuquot Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island. All the other areas are tracked by vessels using the established call-in points indicated on the charts. This means that all of the northern area off Vancouver Island, both coasts of Haida Gwaii and the North Coast mainland is without radar coverage.
The information used to create this map does not include vessels transiting the portion of the Juan de Fuca Strait, which is the responsibility of the US Coast Guard.
The map provides minimum estimates of vessel traffic densities for the various traffic types included here and likely underestimates vessel traffic, particularly west of Haida Gwaii. Reasons for this include: 1) limited extents of Coast Guard radar coverage; 2) many of the vessels transiting the area west of Haida Gwaii are not bound for Canadian destinations and therefore not required to report to the Coast Guard; and 3) the Automatic Identification System is still in process of being brought in by VST.
There is no data available from west of the 136 degree longitude to the 200 mile territorial limit.
This dataset does not include data from 2003, which was also produced by the Canadian Coast Guard.
- Lineage:
- Source_Information:
- Source_Contribution:
Canadian Coast Guard Marine Communications and Traffic Services vessel tracking database. <http://www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/e0003910#VTS>
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Vessel observations were reduced to one uniquely identifiable vessel observation per 5*5 km cell in a GIS grid per hour. For each 5*5km grid cell, data were summarised by calculating total number of uniquely identifiable ship observations per hour that either moved into or out of the focal cell (i.e., ensuring ships were moving). This ensured every vessel observation was tied to a vessel movement.
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Vessel observations were assigned 5*5 km grid cell labels by spatially joining grid cells with each observation (ESRI: ArcGIS v9.x). Using data-step functions (for e.g., 'proc sort', 'first.obs', and 'lag[]') in the statistics program SAS, the data set was reduced to one uniquely identifiable vessel observation, per cell per hour, and lines were removed when vessel movement between cells was not indicated. 'Proc Tabulate" (SAS v9.x) was used to sum the number of observations per cell (i.e., a spatial grid of values), which we used as an index of relative vessel intensity throughout the British Columbian Exclusive Economic Zone.
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
5x5km cells located outside of Canadian waters were removed from the dataset.
- Process_Date: May 3, 2010
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Lindsay McBlane
- Contact_Organization: Parks Canada, Western and Northern Service Centre (for BCMCA)
- Contact_Position: Resource Conservation Technician
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
Grid cells labelled 130_224, 131_223, 131_224, 132_224 were updated to replace the values in the ferry field with those in the cruise ship field and vice versa.
- Process_Date: November 2010
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
- Contact_Organization: Living Oceans Society (for BCMCA)
- Contact_Position: GIS Specialist
- Spatial_Data_Organization_Information:
- Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Information:
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: G-polygon
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 19674
- Spatial_Reference_Information:
- Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition:
- Planar:
- Map_Projection:
- Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area
- Albers_Conical_Equal_Area:
- Standard_Parallel: 50.000000
- Standard_Parallel: 58.500000
- Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -126.000000
- Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 45.000000
- False_Easting: 1000000.000000
- False_Northing: 0.000000
- Planar_Coordinate_Information:
- Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair
- Coordinate_Representation:
- Abscissa_Resolution: 0.000000
- Ordinate_Resolution: 0.000000
- Planar_Distance_Units: meters
- Geodetic_Model:
- Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983
- Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
- Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
- Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222
- Entity_and_Attribute_Information:
- Detailed_Description:
- Entity_Type:
- Entity_Type_Label: Vessel traffic density winter 2007
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: FID
- Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number.
- Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Unrepresentable_Domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Shape
- Attribute_Definition: Feature geometry.
- Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Col_Label
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Row_Label
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Cell_Label
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Num_osp
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Cell_Lab_1
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: FISH
- Attribute_Definition: relative number fishing vessel movements
- Attribute_Definition_Source: Vessels used to catch, process or transport fish.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: CARR
- Attribute_Definition: relative number carrier vessel movements
- Attribute_Definition_Source: Bulk cargo and container vessels.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Ferr
- Attribute_Definition: relative number ferry vessel movements
- Attribute_Definition_Source:
Vessels which transport vehicles, passengers and freight on a regular schedule over a regular route.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: TUG
- Attribute_Definition: relative number tug vessel movements
- Attribute_Definition_Source: Vessels which tow or propel barges.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: OIL
- Attribute_Definition: relative number tanker vessel movements
- Attribute_Definition_Source:
Vessels which transport oil and liquid chemicals, including petroleum and natural gas.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: CRUI
- Attribute_Definition: relative number cruise ship vessel movements
- Attribute_Definition_Source:
Vessels which transport passengers only on multi-day journeys to multiple ports.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: all
- Attribute_Definition: relative number all vessel movements
- Distribution_Information:
- Distributor:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Ian Wade
- Contact_Organization: Canadian Coast Guard
- Resource_Description:
Data cannot be distributed without permission of custodian and distributor.
- Standard_Order_Process:
- Digital_Form:
- Digital_Transfer_Information:
- Transfer_Size: 2.949
- Metadata_Reference_Information:
- Metadata_Date: 20120103
- Metadata_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Dave Nicolson
- Contact_Organization: British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis
- Contact_Position: Project Manager
- Contact_Address:
- Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: info@bcmca.ca
- Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
- Metadata_Time_Convention: local time
- Metadata_Extensions:
- Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
- Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
Generated by mp version 2.9.6 on Tue Jan 03 15:20:17 2012