Metadata also available as
- Identification_Information:
- Citation:
- Citation_Information:
- Originator:
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA), a Tides Canada Initiatives Project
- Publication_Date: January 2012
- Title: bcmca_hu_tenures_featurecount_data
- Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
- Online_Linkage:
- Description:
- Abstract:
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA) is a collaborative project assembling and analyzing spatial information about Canada's Pacific Ocean. The overall goal of the BCMCA is to identify marine areas of high conservation value and marine areas important to human use. Results of the project are intended to inform and help advance marine planning initiatives in BC by providing collaborative, peer-reviewed scientific analyses based on the best ecological and socio-economic spatial data at scales relevant to a BC coast-wide analysis.
- Purpose:
The purpose of this dataset is to display the number of BCMCA tenure features that were used in the Marxan analysis that are found in each 2 km x 2 km planning unit.
- Supplemental_Information:
Features included:
Features ID
Crab 1091
Finfish 1092
Groundfish 1093
Prawn 1094
- Time_Period_of_Content:
- Time_Period_Information:
- Single_Date/Time:
- Calendar_Date: unknown
- Currentness_Reference: ground condition
- Status:
- Progress: In work
- Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: Unknown
- Spatial_Domain:
- Bounding_Coordinates:
- West_Bounding_Coordinate: -139.382424
- East_Bounding_Coordinate: -121.180445
- North_Bounding_Coordinate: 56.051980
- South_Bounding_Coordinate: 45.979698
- Keywords:
- Theme:
- Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus:
REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords.
- Theme_Keyword: Richness Map
- Theme_Keyword: Feature Count
- Theme_Keyword: Tenures
- Theme_Keyword: Human Use
- Place:
- Place_Keyword: British Columbia
- Place_Keyword: Canadian Pacific EEZ
- Access_Constraints:
This dataset is subject to the terms and conditions of a data license agreement.
- Use_Constraints:
This dataset is subject to the terms and conditions of a data license agreement:
- Point_of_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Organization_Primary:
- Contact_Organization: British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis
- Contact_Address:
- Address_Type: mailing and physical address
- Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: info@bcmca.ca
- Native_Data_Set_Environment:
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog
- Data_Quality_Information:
- Lineage:
- Source_Information:
- Source_Contribution:
BCMCA Planning Units. Dataset name: dfo_bc_2K_4K_combined.shp. Metadata document: None supplied. Shapefile contains the 2km planning unit grid cells with associated unit ID's.
- Source_Information:
- Source_Contribution:
Province of British Columbia - please see metadata for individual features for complete source listing
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description:
The marxan file for tenures contained a separate field for all features. Where a feature had a value greater than zero in a planning unit, that value for recalculated to equal one to indicate presence in that planning unit. The presence values for all features were summed to generate the count of features in each planning unit.
- Process_Date: 2010
- Process_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Lindsay McBlane
- Contact_Organization: Parks Canada, Western and Northern Service Centre
- Contact_Position: Resource Conservation Technician
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description: Metadata imported.
- Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation:
- Process_Date: 20101004
- Process_Time: 13223300
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description: Metadata imported.
- Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation:
- Process_Date: 20101004
- Process_Time: 13294200
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description: Metadata imported.
- Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation:
- Process_Date: 20120201
- Process_Time: 11304400
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description: Metadata imported.
- Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation:
- Process_Date: 20120201
- Process_Time: 13180100
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description: Metadata imported.
- Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation:
- Process_Date: 20120201
- Process_Time: 13242300
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description: Metadata imported.
- Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation:
- Process_Date: 20120201
- Process_Time: 13271300
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description: Metadata imported.
- Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation:
- Process_Date: 20120201
- Process_Time: 13313500
- Spatial_Data_Organization_Information:
- Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Information:
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: G-polygon
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 120499
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Label point
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 39346
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: GT-polygon composed of chains
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 39346
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Point
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 4
- Spatial_Reference_Information:
- Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition:
- Planar:
- Map_Projection:
- Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area
- Albers_Conical_Equal_Area:
- Standard_Parallel: 50.000000
- Standard_Parallel: 58.500000
- Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -126.000000
- Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 45.000000
- False_Easting: 1000000.000000
- False_Northing: 0.000000
- Planar_Coordinate_Information:
- Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair
- Coordinate_Representation:
- Abscissa_Resolution: 0.000000
- Ordinate_Resolution: 0.000000
- Planar_Distance_Units: meters
- Geodetic_Model:
- Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983
- Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
- Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
- Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222
- Vertical_Coordinate_System_Definition:
- Altitude_System_Definition:
- Altitude_Resolution: 0.000100
- Altitude_Encoding_Method:
Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates
- Entity_and_Attribute_Information:
- Detailed_Description:
- Entity_Type:
- Entity_Type_Label: bcmca_hu_tenures_featurecount_data
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Shape
- Attribute_Definition: Feature geometry.
- Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: FID
- Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number.
- Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Unrepresentable_Domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Unit_ID
- Attribute_Definition: Unique ID as assigned by BCMCA.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Count
- Attribute_Definition: Count of tenure features in the planning unit
- Overview_Description:
- Distribution_Information:
- Distributor:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Organization_Primary:
- Contact_Organization: British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis
- Contact_Instructions: See www.bcmca.ca for distribution details
- Resource_Description: Downloadable Data
- Standard_Order_Process:
- Digital_Form:
- Digital_Transfer_Information:
- Transfer_Size: 50.954
- Metadata_Reference_Information:
- Metadata_Date: 20120201
- Metadata_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Person_Primary:
- Contact_Person: Carrie Robb
- Contact_Organization: BCMCA
- Contact_Position: Data Manager
- Contact_Address:
- Address_Type: mailing and physical address
- Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: crobb@bcmca.ca
- Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
- Metadata_Time_Convention: local time
- Metadata_Extensions:
- Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
- Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
- Metadata_Extensions:
- Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
- Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
- Metadata_Extensions:
- Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
- Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
- Metadata_Extensions:
- Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
- Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
Generated by mp version 2.9.6 on Wed Feb 01 13:37:07 2012