More Data Packages Ready for Download

If you are interested in downloading the data or atlas pages for numerous features that are available on the BCMCA website, it can take some time. To make the process easier, the BCMCA has made available packages of the ecological features and we have now added packages for the human use features.

Four categories of data packages are available. The first category contains all of the atlas pages. The second category contains the atlas pages as well as the available feature data and metadata. The feature data are the GIS/spatial data for a feature delivered in shapefile format. The third category includes the atlas pages and available Marxan-ready data and metadata. The Marxan-ready data are the GIS/spatial data for a feature quantified into the BCMCA’s 2 km x 2 km planning units. The fourth category includes atlas pages, feature data and metadata, and Marxan-ready data and metadata.

Packages of the spatial data containing the Marxan scenario results are also available on the analysis page.