Revised Website Focuses on Results

The BC Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA) recently redesigned our website to allow for better access to the results of the BCMCA. The website is one of the main tools the BCMCA uses to offer marine planning initiatives in British Columbia access and use to the products in order to support decision makers.

Our aim was to bring the focus more directly to our atlas and analysis products and to simplify the user interface, thereby providing better access to BCMCA products. In particular, the data and maps are more prominent, the latest data updates and journal posts are highlighted on the home page, and we have greatly improved the way we deliver and share data custodian information.

In addition, we provide you with the means to comment directly on any of the features through a comment tab on each feature page (e.g., check out the comments related to the high rugosity feature). Your comment or question will be reviewed, posted, and answered. Please let us know what you think!