our principles
The BCMCA Project Team adhered to the following principles while developing the BCMCA products:

photo by Ed Bierman
- use the best available knowledge and information to inform project design and implementation, including the latest in marine conservation planning theory for specific Marxan scenarios;
- assemble and use the best available biological, ecological, oceanographic, and human use data to inform the atlas and analysis;
- comprehensively and transparently reflect the accuracy, scale and completeness of the data;
- draw on the knowledge and expertise of governments (federal, provincial and First Nations), other resource managers, user groups, the conservation community, academics, and other scientists to develop sound, scientifically defensible methods and products;
- use methods which are transparent in their application;
- provide guidance for additional analyses or other use of BCMCA products that is consistent with comments and caveats provided during review of the Marxan scenario results;
- work cooperatively to achieve project goals; and
- create products which are widely supported by the Project Team.