feature (id #163):
Marine Birds Feature Count
category | birds, feature count |
description | Number of marine bird features found in each planning unit. |
atlas page | view PDF (3.3 MB) (This item is not in our 2010 printed atlas.) |
metadata | view online |
feature GIS data | download ZIP of shapefiles (0.8 MB) |
Marxan metadata | view online |
Marxan-ready data | Either BCMCA does not have permission to share Marxan data for this feature (see data custodians), or BCMCA does not use this feature in the analyses and so no Marxan data was generated for this feature. |
See our Glossary to learn about these terms (metadata, feature GIS data, Marxan-ready data, etc)
how to access the restricted data
There are no custodians associated with this feature.