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algaeviewImportant Algal Habitat 1 – Boulder/Cobble Floor
Feature consisting of 16 of 36 coastal classes from the BC Shorezone mapping system to represent a specific habitat niche for algae, in this instance coastal classes where boulders or cobble are described as a major substrate feature.
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algaeviewImportant Algal Habitat 2 – Rocky Intertidal Substrate, Protected or Very Protected Exposure Classes
Feature consisting of 15 of 36 coastal classes from the BC Shorezone mapping system to represent a specific habitat niche for algae, in this instance Rocky Intertidal Substrate with Protected or Very Protected Exposure.
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algaeviewImportant Algal Habitat 3 – Rocky Intertidal Substrate, Semi-Exposed or Semi-Protected Exposure Classes
Feature consisting of 15 of 36 coastal classes from the BC Shorezone mapping system to represent a specific habitat niche for algae, in this instance Rocky Intertidal Substrate with Semi-Exposed or Semi-Protected Exposure.
algaeviewImportant Algal Habitat 4 – Rocky Intertidal Substrate, Exposed or Very Exposed Exposure Classes
Feature consisting of 15 of 36 coastal classes from the BC Shorezone mapping system to represent a specific habitat niche for algae, in this instance Rocky Intertidal Substrate with Exposed or Very Exposed Exposure.
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algaeviewImportant Algal Habitat 5 – Mudflats and Estuarine Shorelines
Feature consisting of 2 of 36 coastal classes from the BC Shorezone mapping system to represent a specific habitat niche for algae, in this instance where mudflats or estuarine shorelines are described as a major feature.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 1 – Arthrocardia silvae
Observations of an algal species (Arthrocardia silvae) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 1 – Codium ritteri
Observations of an algal species (Codium ritteri) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 1 – Stephanocystis geminata
Observations of an algal species (Stephanocystis geminata) considered infrequent in BC. This feature includes records previously identified as Cystoseira geminata and Cystoseira spicigera.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 1 – Desmarestia tortuosa
Observations of an algal species (Desmarestia tortuosa) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 2 – Antithamnion kylinii
Observations of an algal species (Antithamnion kylinii) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 2 – Dictyoneurum californicum
Observations of an algal species (Dictyoneurum californicum) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 2 – Eisenia arborea
Observations of an algal species (Eisenia arborea) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 2 – Hollenbergia nigricans
Observations of an algal species (Hollenbergia nigricans) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 3 – Laminaria farlowii
Observations of an algal species (Laminaria farlowii) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 3 – Laminaria longpipes
Observations of an algal species (Laminaria longpipes) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 3 – Postelsia palmaeformis
Observations of an algal species (Postelsia palmaeformis) with a limited distribution in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 3 – Rhodolith spp.
Observations of an algal species (Rhodolith spp.) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 3 – Laminaria sinclairii
Observations of an algal species (Laminaria sinclairii) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 4 – Pterygophora californica
Observations of an algal species (Pterygophora californica) with a limited distribution in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 4 – Tayloriella abyssalis
Observations of an algal species (Tayloriella abyssalis) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 4 – Tayloriella divaricata
Observations of an algal species (Tayloriella divaricata) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 4 – Thuretellopsis peggiana
Observations of an algal species (Thuretellopsis peggiana) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 5 – Lithothrix aspergillum
Observations of an algal species (Lithothrix aspergillum) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 5 – Phycodrys riggii
Observations of an algal species (Phycodrys riggii) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 5 – Tokidaea chilkatensis
Observations of an algal species (Tokidaea chilkatensis) considered rare in BC.
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algaeviewRare Algae Series 5 – Whidbeyella cartilaginea
Observations of an algal species (Whidbeyella cartilaginea) considered rare in BC.
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kelpviewGeneral Kelp
Kelp are large seaweeds (algae). This feature contains all observations of kelp where the species was not recorded.
kelpviewFeather Boa Kelp
Feather boa kelp (Egregia menziesii) is a lower intertidal to subtidal kelp, which grows on rocks in harsh, wave stress environments.
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kelpviewGiant Kelp Beds (points)
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) is a canopy forming kelp. It is a perennial species and occurs in extensive stands, or kelp forests, providing habitat for other marine flora and fauna. This feature includes records previously identified as giant perennial kelp and/or Macrocystis integrifolia.
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kelpviewGiant Kelp Beds (polygons)
Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) is perennial and beds are generally found in semi-protected areas as well as some semi-exposed areas. It is not found in areas of warm water with low salinity.  This feature includes records previously identified as Macrocystis integrifolia.
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kelpviewGiant Kelp Bioband
Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) is perennial and beds are generally found in semi-protected areas as well as some semi-exposed areas. It is not found in areas of warm water with low salinity. This data layer was developed from the BC Shorezone Mapping system.
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kelpviewBull Kelp Beds (polygons)
Bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) is an annual which forms large kelp forests. Its habitat is generally in subtidal water, to about 17 metres.
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kelpviewBull Kelp Bioband
Bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) is an annual that relies on seabed perturbation to provide opportunity for colonization. Bull kelp is not found in areas that are too sheltered nor too exposed. Its habitat is generally in deeper water. This data layer was developed from the BC Shorezone Mapping system.
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vascularviewDune Vegetation
Dune vegetation is an assembly of species found in harsh, highly exposed and sparsely vegetated environments.
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Estuaries, also known as salt marshes, are a type of coastal wetland, typically impacted by tidal fluctuations. They are found where fresh water from rivers or streams meets with salt water from the ocean, and vegetation within an estuary exhibits varying degrees of salt-water tolerance.
vascularviewSurfgrass Bioband
Surfgrass bioband extracted from the BC Shorezone mapping system. Includes Scouler's surfgrass (Phyllospadix scouleri), toothed surfgrass (Phyllospadix serrulatus) and Torrey's surfgrass (Phyllospadix torreyi). Found mainly in the lower intertidal zone.
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vascularviewDitch Grass
Ditch grass (Ruppia spp.) are aquatic vascular plants that can live underwater. They are commonly referred to as a type of intertidal seagrass, although it is a freshwater species with a high salt tolerance. It provides habitat and food for many species and is a indicator of coastal wetland health.
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vascularviewSalt Marsh Bioband
Extracted from the BC Shorezone mapping system Salicornia bioband, this feature represents the Salt Marsh assemblage of marsh grasses, dune grass, sedges and other salt-tolerant herbaceous plants. Found in the supratidal and upper intertidal zones.
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vascularviewEelgrass Polygons
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is a type of marine plant known as seagrass, which, unlike seaweed, contains a vascular system that transports liquid and nutrients. Eelgrass provides habitat for many species.
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vascularviewPriority Eelgrass Habitat
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is a type of marine plant that occurs on fine sediment in the subtidal zone. This data layer shows habitat of importance to the lifecycle of herring, Great Blue Heron and Brant.
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vascularviewEelgrass Bioband
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is found on fine sediments (such as estuaries and mud bays) in the subtidal zone and may extend slightly upslope into the lower intertidal. It provides habitat for fish and shellfish and food for marine birds. This data layer was developed from the BC Shorezone Mapping system.
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feature count,
viewMarine Plants Feature Count
Number of marine plant features found in each planning unit.
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kelpviewBull Kelp Beds (points)
Bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) is an annual which forms large kelp forests. Its habitat is generally in subtidal water, to about 17 metres.
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