feature (id #265b):
Provincial Protected Areas

category tourism and recreation
description Provincial protection designations, including: Provincial Park, Protected Area, Conservancy, Ecological Reserve, Conservation Study Area, Recreation Area, and Wildlife Management Area.
atlas page view PDF (0.8 MB)
(Find in our 2010 printed atlas on page 239.)
metadata view online
feature GIS data BCMCA does not have permission to share data for this feature (see data custodians).
Marxan metadata As BCMCA does not use this feature in the analyses, Marxan metadata was not generated for this feature.
Marxan-ready data Either BCMCA does not have permission to share Marxan data for this feature (see data custodians), or BCMCA does not use this feature in the analyses and so no Marxan data was generated for this feature.

See our Glossary to learn about these terms (metadata, feature GIS data, Marxan-ready data, etc)

comment on this feature

All fields below are required (though your email address will not be published).

for data layer: Parks Distribution Package (Theme)

custodian — Province of British Columbia, GeoBC: http://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/1130248f-f1a3-4956-8b2e-38d29d3e4af7

how to access the restricted data

This feature was created from 1 raw data layer. Each data layer has a custodian and different restrictions as to which types of data BCMCA may distribute on this website. The unrestricted feature and Marxan-ready data are available to download at the map & data tab. To gain access to the restricted data, please go through the following process:

  1. Determine whether you are interested in the feature data or Marxan-ready data. (See the Glossary for descriptions on these data types.)
  2. Using the info below, make a list of the custodians you will need to contact for permission to use the data. Please note that many of the features use similar data layers and require permission from the same custodians. Also note that BCMCA does not supply the contact information for the custodians, but they can be found through web searches. Then contact each of the custodians directly, indicating:
    • which features you are requesting permission to have data for
    • whether you are requesting the feature data or Marxan-ready data
  3. When all of the required permissions have been received for a feature or set of features, please forward the email confirmations to the BCMCA data custodian at info@bcmca.ca to obtain the data.

An index of all the data custodians for ALL features is available here.