download packaged sets
For convenience, we have assembled packages sets of BCMCA data, in four categories:
- packaged sets of JUST the atlas pages
- packaged sets of the atlas pages, available metadata and feature data
- packaged sets of the atlas pages, available Marxan metadata and Marxan-ready data
- packaged sets of that contain all of these – the atlas pages, the metadata and Marxan metadata, and any available feature data and Marxan ready data.
Note that all downloadable packaged sets are in .zip format. See our Glossary of Terms for more information on each of these.
the packaged sets below contain – atlas pages

photo by Ed Bierman
- 75 seabirds atlas pages (250 MB)
- 4 fish atlas pages (13 MB)
- 38 fish & invertebrate atlas pages (114 MB)
- 19 marine mammals atlas pages (57 MB)
- 10 physical atlas pages (32 MB)
- 25 marine plant atlas pages (78 MB)
- 15 invertebrate atlas pages (46 MB)
- 6 ecological feature count atlas pages (20 MB)
human use
- all 96 human use atlas pages (242 MB)
- 35 commercial fishing atlas pages (100 MB)
- 4 sport fishing atlas pages (10 MB)
- 11 ocean energy atlas pages (38 MB)
- 24 shipping and transportation atlas pages (40 MB)
- 6 tenure atlas pages (28 MB)
- 10 tourism and recreation atlas pages (26 MB)
- 6 human use feature count atlas pages (16 MB)
the packaged sets below contain – atlas pages – metadata for all features – available feature data

photo by Paul Morton
- seabird atlas pages and features (252 MB)
- fish atlas pages and features (11 MB)
- fish & invertebrate atlas pages and features (114 MB)
- marine mammal atlas pages and features (98 MB)
- physical atlas pages and features (95 MB)
- marine plant atlas pages and features (85 MB)
- invertebrate atlas pages and features (49 MB)
- ecological feature count atlas pages and features (32 MB)
human use
- commercial fishing atlas pages and features (105 MB)
- sport fishing atlas pages and features (43 MB)
- ocean energy atlas pages and features (48 MB)
- shipping and transportation atlas pages and features (44 MB)
- tenure atlas pages and features (28 MB)
- tourism and recreation atlas pages and features (27 MB)
- human use feature count atlas pages and features (36 MB)
the packaged sets below contain – atlas pages – Marxan metadata for all features – available Marxan-ready data
- seabird atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (251 MB)
- fish atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (11 MB)
- fish & invertebrate atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (112 MB)
- marine mammal atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (65 MB)
- physical atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (127 MB)
- marine plant atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (129 MB)
- invertebrate atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (52 MB)
human use
- commercial fishing atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (104 MB)
- sport fishing atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (11 MB)
- ocean energy atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (41 MB)
- shipping and transportation atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (40 MB)
- tenure atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (28 MB)
- tourism and recreation atlas pages and Marxan metadata/data (27 MB)
the packaged sets below contain (everything) – atlas pages – metadata + Marxan metadata for all features – available feature data – available Marxan-ready data
- seabirds (252 MB)
- fish (11 MB)
- fish & invertebrates (112 MB)
- marine mammals (106 MB)
- physical (193 MB)
- marine plants (136 MB)
- invertebrates (55 MB)